Monday, March 16, 2009

Booked David's flight

One of the things we want to do with tax money is take a trip to Chicago. I want to go for a long time, but David can't do that, he has to work. So, today I booked his flight to and from Chicago! He'll drive us up and spend a few days, then fly back to Wichita. 2.5 weeks later, he'll fly up to Chicago and spend a few days and drive us back home!!!!! I love homeschooling for this reason!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Guests from Africa and India

Our church asked for host families for this children's choir that was coming to sing and we enjoy hosting so much, that we volunteered. March 2nd at 4pm, we went to the church and had a little orientation and picked them up. We had a 16 year old girl chaperone from India and 3 boys from Africa. They spent the night, went to church the next day at 1pm and practiced and then had their concert that night. It was amazing. Then home. We were suppose to have them back to church at 9am the next morning, but they changed the time to 10am. One of the hosting families had to go to an appointment and couldn't keep their 3 boys the extra rather then have one of the church members come from Derby and pick up the 3 boys, take them home and cart everyone back, we offered (since we live closer) to do that instead. So this morning we had a ton of kids from Africa and India at our house. We also had to send them with a lunch for their bus ride and they all needed breakfast! It's chaos, but I sure do love it! The time they were here, they just ate, played, and watched movies. My kids were happy to have the company (they were all Ben's age! 8-10 years) and it was fun to see the guests just get to be kids and play in our "play land". Christianna really took to the 16 yr old girl! It was an awesome experience! And it made me feel really helpful.

Monday, March 2, 2009

March already?

Wow, time is flying by. This past week, Shanndon had a 6 month dental check up. I was worried...his first one was great. His second one, David took him, cause I was laid up from surgery. David said he threw a fit like he had never seen. The dentist and hygienist were very patient and kind, but none doin. I don't get why, like I said, his first one was great!!!!! So, this one...WAS FINE!!!!! Maybe he just needs mom to take him?! I dunno.

This week also, one of our oldest and dearest friends...Ken and Jennifer Myette-Ashworth...their oldest child turned 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kenny was the first baby David EVER held!!!!!!!!!!! I met him when he was just 2 months old! How can this be? Whimper.

Sunday was crazy, as we usually like to roll (not really). Royal Rangers was having their annual Chili Fundraiser dinner...we could either go to the Douglas church and be there for the dinner and be helping set up during church, or we could go to our "new church" and run over for the dinner. We love our "new church" so much that we don't want to miss a single sermon! We opted for the rushing around....we had delivered all our stuff the Wednesday prior and they set up mostly on the Wednesday prior, so we just headed over after service. Ben put on his gloves and started serving. We hung out for a while afterwards and helped take stuff down and clean up and all. We really enjoy Dan and Rachel too!!!! We try to do it all! :) Then we went home for naps and back to church for "Fireproof"!!!!!!!!!!