Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Shanndon's first filling!

Shanndon has a couple cavities-which is really annoying, since we brush ad floss his teeth. Seemingly, Ben and now Shanndon are genetically cavity prone! No other explanation, as we're strict with their dental hygiene! It's expensive to say the least, as today's appointment is costing us $238 and the appointment for the next one on the 11th is going to cost $258 (composite/white fillings, not silver, very good dentist!). ANYWAY...Shanndon did amazing!!!!! Did not fuss, got thru the appointment. However-after wards, he chewed up his lip and then ripped part of it off! I'm cringing as I write this. I cringe every time I look at it. He's not complaining, he doesn't say it hurts. It's hugely swollen and it just hurts my heart!!!! UGH! (I actually blogged this on the day it happened!)