Sunday, July 5, 2009

Correspondance with Sonja's Dad

Sonja's dad emailed me today. His name is Paul (the pics are of him and Sonja and him, Sonja and Sonja's mom's mom). He is a "computer guy" in Austria. He seems very nice. It's great to get to talk to the parents! I can only imagine the position they are in. Sending your child to live with a stranger for a year. Heck, I have a hard time sending my kids to my friends' house for the afternoon! Although, that's mainly because my children are crazy and I'd like to continue having friends! BWahahahah!

Having done this exchange program twice now, I get the impression that teenagers are a bit more "grown up" in every other country. By 16 they should know what they want to do and have their lives planned out. The moment they turn 18 they should have their college started and careers on track. Carolina is off in college already! Living hours away from her parents. Other countries don't seem to "baby" their kids like we Americans do. The kids have been in school since 2 or 3 years old, learning to write and academics (multiple languages!!!!! hard math from early on! You should see these kids' report card and course loads!)-not just play. Ben is 9 years old (will be 10 in October), I can't see him deciding his life and being ready to support himself and/or a family in just 7-8 years. Are they too hard on their kids? Are we to easy on ours? The girls are expected to work and be just as productive and successful as the guys-which I think is good.

I personally just always expected to grow up and be a mom and wife. NOW! There are times I wish I enjoyed my single life, instead of searching for a husband. I wish I had enjoyed my childless days. Instead of being overwhelmed by chores and daily tasks that take forever, because everyone needs multiple things all at once. There are days I dream of peace quiet, no fighting, sleeping in, etc. I tried to urge Maialen and Carolina to take their time. Enjoy life, don't seek to rush into marriage or family life. I can only hope they listen! I hope Sonja sees that too.

I really enjoyed my time with the teen girls. Talking after kids went to bed, helping with homework, them working with me in the kitchen and introducing them to making gingerbread houses and cooking, and playdoh and goop, waking up and running out in your PJS after a night of snow and throwing snowballs. It was a little overwhelming with I'm really looking forward to doing these things with Sonja one on one. Having one on one time from the beginning! I hope I can bring honor to her father and her mother's memory! And I hope too, that it will help me appreciate Christianna being little. Soon Christi will be a teenager!!!!! As much as I want to kill her several times a day, she is sooooooooo adorable and little and cuddly. Free with the kisses. I pray for a good experience this year and that Sonja and we are all truly blessed. That God is honored and Sonja's dad is at ease with her placement in our family. That the family meshes well together and Sonja's adjustment is easy. Please pray for us as we enter this endeavor.