Saturday, June 27, 2009

What is it?

What is it about a time frame/deadline/boundary? If I have nothing to do, or no pressure, things go smoothly. Tuesday's at 6pm, my son is due to be at church for Royal Rangers, Wednesdays at 7pm- me and the kids are due at church for Missionettes and Rainbows. This Friday, we were due at church for Ben to go on his campout by 4pm. Yet, it never fails SOMETHING always happens. We are ALWAYS late! We had a car full of cement pavers, rather then drive across town with this load-while I was finalizing Ben's packing for the camping trip-I asked David to remove the pavers. At the time I had asked he was sorting socks, Ben was low and I wanted him to have an extra couple pair. I had to have Ben at church in an hour-it's a 25 minute drive. Many minutes (15 or so) went by, no David. I had originally thought he was just getting socks and shoes on, etc. I called to the other room..."David, what are you doing?"..."socks", he said. I said, " I need pavers removed, you already gave me 10 pairs of socks (only needed a couple), I need to go". He thought I didn't need to be there til 630pm, so he just thought he'd do it later. (My thinking was, you can do socks when I'm not here, you can't remove bricks if they aren't here). So I checked the time, it was 330pm. EEEEK. I said never mind, I gotta go now...He insisted on doing it. So then I couldn't get Ben to church on time for him to ride the church van out there, I'd have to drive him to Lake Afton myself. Well, I wasn't prepared to take everyone out to Lake then I had to gather swim suits, towels, snacks, extra clothes, bug spray, sunblock, etc. for me and the little ones. (might as well stay and hang out and enjoy a couple hours if we're gonna drive all the way out there right?) Then I get a message from our community representative with the exchange student program, saying she was missing one of the papers (we had had our in-home interview Friday morning) I scanned and tried to send that "real quick", it scanned in 4 pieces and I don't know how to "stitch" items together. So, did it with another program, but when she tried to print it, it was too blurry! Besides all that, I had made plans to run errands after driving Ben to church at 4pm, so that all now got pushed back. I ended up being 4 hours late for the camp out! Seriously, if I had had nothing pressing to do...NONE of the issues would have surfaced! Every Tuesday and Wednesday, nearly without fail...SOMETHING happens!!!!!! Whether it be I get stuck in construction, traffic, accident, kids get hurt, something goes wrong with the car, Ben forgets his bag, a dog gets out and we have to find them before we leave, one or BOTH of the little ones have to "potty", a kid I pick up is running late, or a parent gets chatty, an errand runs longer then expected, etc. I tell ya. I just don't get it!!!!!!!!!!!