Monday, July 28, 2008

Last weekend and week of July

This weekend wasn't too busy. I think we're so burned out from all the traveling, moving, doing, going, etc. that I just didn't do this weekend. David worked on the basement. He cleaned the "scrap area" and cleaned the rugs and Sunday he started on the office. The kids had Vacation Bible School (a one day 1p-7p thing) on Saturday. It was a Luau theme and they had a great time. Christianna even stayed! I worked on the garage and yard some, dabbled here and there. Saturday night I stayed at the Sabin osue and basically vegged. I did do a couple loads of laundry, did a load of dishes, but comparatively did nothing. I did go to the basement, totally intending to work on the office and freaked out and ran upstairs! I jsut said forget it, David can box it up and we'll deal with it later. Instead, I cleaned and sorted my "art closet" and rearranged "day care" area and did nitnoid stuff else where. Oh, I did scrub the full size bed frame and David got that together and set up, and I cleaned lamps and such too.
This coming weekend (Aug. 2 and 3) I would like David to finish the basement and I'll scrub walls and start putting it back together, so I can get boxes out of the living room and not have to worry about the kids getting into stuff if I let them watch TV, which is not often, BUT, it still would be nice to not have to worry the little bit I do.
So today we start a new week. The last week of July. Today is Christianna's 2nd bday!!!!!!! On one hand, she's growing up so fast, on the other, not fast enough! The thought of possibly being out of diapers in some near future is so thrilling to me! Yes, I'm going to do day care, and yes, some will probably have diapers, but they are not mine! Not mine to buy and not mine to change every morning and night. Christianna is "talking" more each day. You can literally have a conversation with her now it seems. She understands nearly everything you say and you can understand nearly everything she says and wants. She repeats everything!!!! She is starting to play nicely on her own. She loves baby dolls, playing "kitchen", baths, and kitties (pulling thier tail mostly).
Today is only Monday and it's already been busy. One appointment after the other and it doesn't seem like it's going to end anytime soon. August 5-8 I go for orientations, classes, certifications, etc. While exciting to nearly be there, I'm not looking forward to it, because then the entrance of August, means money trouble! I did not go apply for jobs this weekend like I intended too! Just no time. We started counseling also and so each of us have "individual" sessions, then we have "joint" sessions, then there's this Marriage fo Keeps calss and we have to meet once every two weeks with our "family support specialist" for that as well.
Ugh, speaking of this Marriage for Keeps friend Jennie was going to watch my kids on Monday nights. Well, now I've taken on having this little girl also. She's no trouble really, but it is an extra kid nad a "baby" at that. So, Jennie called me the day after I talked to her about it and told me she just couldn't do it. So, while I did have "babysitting" lined up, now I didn't! So, I called Stephanie, she couldn't do it always either. Crap, now what? I came up with the brilliant idea of having Stephanie's 13 year old babysit! She agreed, YEA!!!!! So, while I swore to myself that I would "never have a teenager babysit my kids", here I am having a teenager babysit my kids. David will leave work every Monday at 5pm, pick up Nikki, bring her here, I'll have the kids napped, changed and fed and we'll go to class! After class, David will take Nikki home on his way back to work. EEEEK! It will be here at the "day care house", which means everything is totally safe and really other then smelling for a stinky diaper and keeping an eye on the kids, there'snot much to do. Plus her parents and I are 5 minutes away and totally reachable on the phone at a moments notice. She's the oldest of 5, so I'm pretty sure all will be well. It'll be good experience for her, and if she likes it, once I get the day care up and running, maybe I'll hire her to come in a couple times a week for a couple hours and help me out.
I guess that's it for now. Kids are napping, so I better get dinner started and ready for when they wake up, so that all is done when Nikki gets here. I don't want her to have to worry about anything, or be stressed out on her first day.