Saturday, August 2, 2008

Our 10 year anniversary

August 1, 1998 David and I got married. We've been married 10 years now (together 13). That's a big deal to me! We've had the occasional rough patch, and we're working through one right now, but we'll always stay together! No one in the world could put up with me like he does!
I am so impressed with my hubby today. David had the day off, cause he has to work the weekend. We went to the Sabin house, as I had to babysit Raeana. I mowed the lawn while David edged. Then while I was getting kids changed and down for a nap, David finished the lawn and started cleaning the gutters. Not only did he clean the gutters, but while I made dinner, he washed down the house and driveway too and now it looks all pretty. :) While he was working on the gutters, he called my friend Diana and got her to babysit on Sunday night and we're going out to dinner! How can we be having money trouble and afford to go out to dinner? We have a $25 gift card to TGI Fridays, that David got as a "Thank you gift" from one of the parents we coached for soccer! TGI Fridays is close to Diana's and the kids haven't seen her kids in a long time. He did it! He took initaitive! He planned something. This is one thing I've always said I've wanted! WOOHOO!
So we didn't do anything big for the big 10. Someday when we have our successful business and the kids are older, maybe we will. For us though, this was a good anniversary. Just being us. Being together as a family. I cooked dinner and all the kids ate, we ate together, the kids enjoyed playing in the water, they all helped with the yard, we even had the dogs with us.
Happy Anniversary David! I love you forever and always, no matter what! Thank you for spending the last 13 years of your life with me. Thank you for your love, children, devotion and being such a wonderful dad and provider.