Friday, July 25, 2008


Wow! It's been a long time since I've blogged! Believe me, I've missed it! It's been crazy, as usual, here! SO much has happened! We returned home from Chicago on July 6th. The car ride home was unusually pleasant, altho I must admit I was "medicated" most of the time. David and and I are coming up on 10 years married and I've been having "issues" with him. I say, I rather then we, cause unless I'm bitching, he sees nothing wrong. But that will be in a different blog I suppose. The point of that statement is, while I did miss David and his help and companionship, I really did enjoy the two week break from him. It was kinda sad to come home to reality. Plus, I felt really good about all the things I accomplished while in Chicago and it was hard to leave the "good feeling". I was coming home to chaos and moving and a diaster of a life.

We picked up our keys to the base house on July 8th. I set up the bathrooms and that's about it. I decided I wanted all new in this house, matching and complete sets! So I had to buy everything. July 9th, the packers came and started packing us up. I decided I wanted the Sabin house cleared out and I'd move back what I wanted and start fresh. July 10, the packers came back and packed more and the movers loaded and moved us. Everything to the basement!!!! I didn't want to see a single toy! The first night, I had all three kids' bedrooms completely put together and set up. We worked rigorously over the weekend and got "settled in". By Monday, I was offering boxes on freecycle.

So here it is July 25th, we've been pulling "double duty". Working at both houses. I've scrubbed so many walls and this past weekend David cleaned my upstairs carpet. This coming weekend David will do the basement. I've gotten all my scrapbook stuff boxed, so once the basement gets cleaned, I can "start over" downstairs. July 26th is "neighborhood cleanup" day and from 7am-noon there will be dumpsters in the neighborhood to get rid of bulk items. We're gonna do a major clean up. My dryer was delivered on July 18th and today my washer will be delivered. I'm going to go this weekend and apply a couple of places for a job. I need money bad! I have one little girl I'm babysitting, but it's a lot of hours for not much money. She's 19 months old, very well behaved, doesn't cry, easily entertained! I'm hoping to get the "middle room" of the Sabin house done soon. I want to do something cool, but haven't decided what that is yet. It's our "block" room. Anyone got suggestions?

David and I are enrolled in this "Communications" class for married couples. It's called "Marriage for Keeps" and it's giving you the tools for good communication and an emotionally safe relationship. It's been good so far and it's only been two classes. We're also going to a counselor, this Monday. We'll see what comes of it. Well, I guess that's a summary of everything going on here. I'll try to write more specifics on things at a later time.