Sunday, June 29, 2008

Good Children

Here's the scene set up: my two younger sisters live within one mile from my mom. One of my brothers lives a few miles and one of my brothers lives 1.5 hours away. Between the 5 of us, we have 11 children and there are two more on the way. Ten of the children are 4 and under (10 + Ben ROFLMBO). Since I've been here, mostly it's Julie and JoEllyn, with the pop in occasionally of John and James. My mom lives in a two bedroom apartment (with one bathroom! LOL) Needless to say, it crazy here. But I have to say, oh so fun! Most of the time, all the kids get along. John's one and only kid is a little meanie, so we need to keep a close eye when he's around, but he's a cute kid. Julie's oldest kid is occasionally bossy or mommyish, but that's to be expected of the "older" children. All of our parenting styles and life situations are very different. It's so fun to sit here and watch all the kids play together. Jimmy (James' oldest) and Annabelle (Julie's oldest) adore Ben and they all follow him around and want to do what he does, or watch him. It's like a daddy duck leading a line of baby ducks! HAHAHA. It's kinda nice having all the kids together, 'cause then they keep each other occupied and we don't have to pay much attention, HAHA...Julie comes home from work and naps on mom's couch. Well anyway, it's been so beautiful and fun. Yesterday, JoEllyn commented and I had to share...
"Wow Jennie, your kids are the best behaved, Damn you!"
WOOHOO! YEA KIDS! I think they are crazy and out of control, so just imagine what the rest are like! HAHAHA...Feeling quite proud of my children at the moment! They play nicely, share, aren't into the adult conversations, not fighting for toys or grandma's lap. Of course Benjamin has always been perfect, that's not changed, but I love that the other two were mainly what she was referring too! At the time of the comment, Ben was in grandma's office playing on the computer and 7 of the kids under 4 were playing in the living room with us adults on the couch and chairs. Proud momma dance here!!!