Friday, August 15, 2008

The Process

The first step of getting the day care up and running, was attending an orientation for the state regulations. I did that on Aug. 5. On Aug. 6-8 the Air Force offered a 3 day (free) training on Air Force regulations, CPR and First Aid, Food Handling, Signs and Symptoms, and Medication Administration and much more. The state requires 15 hours of training int he first year and 5 years every year after that. So, I have surpassed the state requirements for training.
The 2nd step was to get my home occupation license. On Aug. 6th, on the way home from training, I stopped into City Hall to turn in my paperwork for the license. I was approved in a matter of minutes, went and paid and was issued my license.
The third step was the fire marshall. I was worried about this, as there is only one inspector in all of Wichita and was told it may take a while. On Wednesday night, Aug. 6, I called and left a message with him. He called back the very next day at 9am and he had an appt. for the following Monday at 2pm. David and I spent the weekend installing more smoke detectors; putting tools, chemicals, etc. into the shed and garage; and putting locks on the doors. I had the inspection and passed with flying colors. He said I exceeded regulations and he was impressed! Woohoo! So I've spent the last couple days making copies of everything; gathering paperwork; writing my contracts and policies, etc.
Wednesday, August 13, I turned in all the paperwork and wrote my checks for licensed home day care!!!! This can take a while. They send my paperwork to Topeka and get my KBI/SRS background check done, register my dayc are name "Koop's Kids and More". Once all that is done, they'll issue me a temporary license. At the same time, I was contacted this morning by the home health nurse that will be inspecting my house and day care. She has recieved my paperwork and will contact me for my initial visit once it's all submitted. Now I have to be ready, as if I have kids in care with my TB test, files set up, my kids' medical forms, etc. I also have to "finish" the house...locking everything, putting things out of reach, etc. Since I have the kitchen blocked off, all drawers and cabinets locked, I'm not sure if the one "alcove" with cleaners in it, counts as being high enough to be away from kids, or if that will be a violation?! much to do yet!
It's happening so fast, yet not fast enough. I need to paint!!! I need to get clients! I need to get motivated and work on my scraproom!!!!!!! I need to get organized! LOL.. Ugh. I need to get motivated. Last night after the kids left, I straightened up a bit and laid on the couch watching my soaps. This morning, I cleaned the table, loaded the dishwasher, recieved a FedEx package, but mostly have benn just sitting on the computer and watching my soaps! It's so quiet here. I'm really enjoying being alone, too much!
That's the update. Things are moving along. Need to get my TB test and get the kids' medical records signed off by thier physician. I also have to give Raeana's mom all the paperwork as well to get done, I'll do that today. It will probably take her a while. I'm gonna start advertising too. I'm waiting on business cards and stuff. I want to have an "open house" once I'm ready. This is so exciting, overwhelming, scary!