Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Okay, so I have been stood up by 2 clients in a week!!!!
The first one I understand. We were in contact, she was interested in me being her childcare provider, I delivered her the contracts and forms on Monday night, if she agreed, she'd see me on Tuesday afternoon. show. I can understand that, cause she hadn't seen my contract and there's a religious clause in it. I don't know for sure that was the reason, I can certainly understand if it was the reason.
The second gal is an Air Force spouse. She is subsidized by the AF (which means the AF pays part of her child care. Well she couldn't find anyone who could take an infant (14 months old) who was affilliated with the AF. She heard from a friend, which is a coworker of David's, that I was opening a day care. They called David and I got in touch with her. I went over the contract with her, she assured me she was coming with me and even called Tuesday night to confirm and sad she forgot to go to the bank and could she bring the money when she picked up the child. I agreed. I was up at 7am, she was suppose to be there at 7:15... NO SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess she decided not to start her new job or find someone else! No one with any experience or licensing or training is going to take an infant at the last minute for what she was paying. So I am assuming she just didn't go to work. But maybe she got a friend to watch the child? She still could have called!!!!!!!!!!
I observed a licensed child care provider a couple doors down from me and she said I should get a non-refundable deposit when they interview. In fact, most day cares do that! They request an enrollment fee of $20, $50, $100 to cover the cost of paperwork, licensing, time, etc. I request a $100 deposit that they can use for thier last week of care, so they're getting it back, but if they stiff me and don't show for a week, I'm covered! GRRRR. I'm already fustrated ad I haven't even started! Bah hum bug!