Monday, August 4, 2008

What's Changed?

My friend messaged me yesterday (hope you don't get offended that you sparked a blog!), asking me what has changed and what has happened? She said I've seemed happier in the last couple days according to my status. I replied and explained that a lot has changed, so I thought I'd share.
First of all, David is recognizing and acknowledging that there is a "problem". Of course, that's always a first step. You can't change, what you don't acknowledge. Hell, I've known for a long time that there's something wrong with me!
Second, while I did have to make the appointments for him, David is going to this "Communications" class and he's now started counseling. He's actually replying to me when I talk, he's sharing his thoughts and feelings and he's taking more responsibility in the house and with the children.
Third, he's being very supportive and encouraging, which is something he's always been, don't get me wrong, but even more! He's told me that it's okay for me to spend weekends alone at the other house. He's helping me work on the other house. He's being supportive with the business. He's seeing that him being "my other kid" has been a huge burden and that I'm on the verge of cracking. He's seeing that I miss scrapbooking and really wanting to do everything possible to get me back to it.
Last, but not least, he's taking initiative. His excuse has always been...he's just not motivated, he keeps procrastinating. Well, this weekend he took initiative to get a babysitter (although she cancelled last minute and he scrambled for another-Thank you for the last minute sitting Steph!) and planned a "date" for our 10 year anniversary. Also, he took took initiative to clean the gutters. And, yesterday while I was at the commissary, instead of spending all of naptime playing PS2 with Ben, David mowed and edged the entire yard (even inside the fence!). Normally, these are the types of things I'd have to nag about for weeks and usually just end up doing on my own!
So, how long will this last? Granted, at the moment, it's lasted more then the usual "two days" or "week", but is it for real? Is it permanent? How long will it take for me to not be "leary". He always "changes" for a couple days and then it's back to same ole, same ole. However, he's never sincerely acknowledged the problems. Nothing's "changed" really in just a couple days, it's been over a couple weeks. I have to look on the positive side. I have to believe this is for real, for my own sanity. It will be a long process, I'm sure. David talked to his brother and he's been going through counseling and stuff for two years. He told David to expect to go from one extreme to the other and then eventually he'll find his balance. I don't feel patronized this time. I feel like David is acknowledging his withdrawl and wanting to work on it. He's wanting to reconnect. He's feeling the distance between us and realizing it's not just PMS or a phase.
So, that's my update. Hubby and I are working on things together, I am working on personal things, I'm trying to get my dream business going and get back to scrapping and I have started to go through stuff and purge and simplify. How can I not feel better, or seem lighter and happier?