Thursday, September 25, 2008


This is hilarious, but you must view the pictures to experience what I'm wriitng about! So, let me preface this by saying, I'm behind in blogging. I am writing this on Oct. 4, but it happened on Sept 25th (therefore back dating the blog). Also, if you've seen my profile, read blogs, know me,'ll often hear me refer to my younger children as monkeys, or my life in a zoo, that type of thing...THIS IS WHY!!!!!
Okay, so Shanndon has always been a climber. We fight with him minutely about climbing and jumping on furniture, cabinets, cars, doors, EVERYTHING! By default, I suppose, Christianna is following in his footsteps! She has no fear, she wants to do EVERYTHING the boys do! So, it stands to reason that if Shanndon wants to climb a tree (that he can get up in himself), that Christianna would want to climb it (even though she needs to be lifted). Well, Daddy lifted her and sure enough, through and through she's a monkey. Maybe more so then Shanndon! She climbed higher then Shanndon!!!! She often scared daddy and I by stepping on branches that we didn't think would hold her! Go see pics. My baby, is a full grown MONKEY!!!