Friday, September 12, 2008

September 12, 2008

It's Friday!!!!
Boeing went on strike and mom of the girl I care for is on 3 day work week. She was going to bring her today just so she can get some cleaning done (and she pays for my time anyway, so why not?!), but, the streets between her house and mine are impassable in her little car! It's been raining for days! The water is up to my porch and it's due to rain thru Sunday yet! Then, once "IKE" hits and makes it's way up here, they are predicting another 5-10 inches of rain being dropped on us. They are predicting mass flooding! Crazy! This has been the coldest summer I've ever been exposed too. I can't imagine what winter will be like! Will it be unseasonably warm, or cold? If it was this "cold" for summer? EEEEK.
This week has been nice. David's dad drove up from Texas and arrived Tuesday about 630pm. Wednesday was David's birthday (that's why dad is here). I mentioned my dream for a bordered sand filled "playground" in my back yard and he said he'd do it. He bought all the supplies and did all the work (IN THE RAIN!). Today (Friday) David had off, so he's helping today. There is 25 TONS of sand in my driveway at the moment (I'll upload pictures later). Wednesday, Ben went on a field trip and monitored the "health" of our local bodies of water. He came home with a magnifying glass and has been using it for everything. In digging up the yard, they've found tons of grubs and worms. Thursday, Ben's friends Mitch and Mikey came over to play and helped papa and the boys work on the playground. For all thier hard work, dad went out and bought them Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream for a treat.
Last night the little kids played in the rain with chalk. It was so cool! They learned they could make "paint"(wet chalk)! They got all chalky and then rinsed off in puddles. It was so cute. Shanndon mixed colors and "discovered" that pink and blue makes purple and that blue and yellow makes green. He was so proud of himself! Christi and Rae learned they can color on scooters and hands and my chair arms, etc. LOL. While we were outside playing in the rain, Papa and Ben were watching "How it's made" and they learned how sandpaper and sanding grits, hotdogs, potato chips and thier containers, and wooden bowls are made.
Also about Thursday-September 11, brother James and his wife, Carol had thier third baby! It's a girl!!!! Emily Marie Rupp was born about 330pm (Carol was induced a week early due to gestational diabetes). Emily Marie weighed 9lbs 2 oz and is 20 1/2 inches long! That is 17 grandchild for Francis and Nedra Rupp!!!
Tonight Ben is going to his friend Jonathon's to sleep over. He misses Jonathon, since we're over here every afternoon, he rarely gets to see him anymore. He's very excited! He says he'll let Jonathon pick the first game they play on Wii and he will play whatever Jonathon wants to play!!! Dad offered to treat us to dinner tonight too! WOOHOO!