Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Total 180!

In July we moved to base housing. The goal was to get a daycare up and running at our Sabin house. David and I were having a lot of trouble and I really just wanted to be seperated from the family. I had a timeline of September 1st and even then it was stretching it! Well, we took our a CD we had to get us thru August and September. We now have borrowed more money from David's dad to get us through September and October!!!! I am not getting "hits" on my advertising. No interest. I have one client right now! David's dad was in town last week and I got to schedule my body lift, he's loaning us the money for it. It's November 4th, 2008. The next thing was figuring out how I was going to run a daycare 2 weeks after a body lift. What if I wasn't back by then? Well, I felt I had no choice, and I just would be well by then!
Sunday night I got a message from a friend of mine. She said that her current landlord had just called her and told her that she had 3 months to sell the house that they were renting from her. She went on to joke about me giving up my daycare and renting my house to them, but she wouldn't ask that, cause it was my dream. So here I am reading this message...stressed over money and clients, business, completely exhausted and I get this message that bascially offers to take half my worry off me?! I immediately called her up to find out what was going on. This was no joke, this family with 5 kids and animals has 3 months to find a new place to live. So David and I talked about it...
Here we are in the position to help a friend by giving them a place to live with no excessive costs, like background and credit checks, deposits and absorbant rent...and here they are in the position to live in my house and pay the mortgage and utilities, and take care of the house and yard, etc. It's a win win situation!!!!
The final decision: we will spend the next couple weeks moving everything that we still have at the Sabin house, over to the base house and empty the Sabin house. As of October 15th, my friend and her family can move in and start painting, cleaning, decorating, etc. They will pay rent and all utilities, which leaves us just our DEBT, intead of living expenses and debt! I can go into my surgery on November 4th, not worried about losing our house. I can recover at my own pace and only have my own children to care for. Then when I recover, or possibly after I'm done with my multiple surgeries...I can try running a daycare again, at the base house. We have 5 &1/2 years til we retire, so if they want it that long, they can have it, otherwise we'll fnd other renters when they decide to leave. I feel so relieved! I was on the verge of "passin out"! Now I have even more work to do, BUT, I can have several weeks off after surgery!!!!