Sunday, November 30, 2008

10 days post surgery

Today is Nov. 30-10 days since surgery (Belt Lipectomy-360* middle body lift). Things are going well. Lea had my kids the day or surgery, although David had off Friday (suprise free day off for a base goal day!), Jennie watched my kids for a bit while he came to bring up my medicine and visit with me for a few minutes and Saturday while he picked me up from the hospital, Stephanie had my kids on Monday and Tuesday (and took the two youngest grocery shopping!!! INSANE WOMAN!) and Diana had my kids overnight Tues- Wednesday. It has been such a blessing having everyone's support and I can't thank those of you enough! I returned home Saturday afternoon. I didn't come out of my room until Tuesday (bed to bathroom was all I could do every couple hours), then I slowly made it down the hall and back, and that was about it before needing a pain pill and a nap!!! I've slowly been progressing. Now I can actually make it down the hallway and spend some time sitting with the family for a few minutes before needing to back and lay down again, sometimes with a pain pill, sometimes just laying down will suffice.

I went to the Dr. on Wednesday. He's very pleased with the way things are going. Said just keep up what I'm doing. I have another appt. this Wednesday, I'm hoping he'll take the drains out and that will help with some of the pain, uncomfortability and "depression". I am trying to wean off the strong meds, so I'm not taking them much now. Still walking slow and hunch over a bit and often in a lot of pain, but it's all getting better daily. In two months they say I should be "back to normal". I deifinitly look forward to that!!!

David cooked a Turkey, made mashed potatoes and gravy for Thanksgiving dinner. Some of our friends prepared other pieces of the meal for us-greenbean casserole, orange/cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes and marshmellows and rolls. David did very well, thank God for explicit directions! LOL The whole meal was delicious and the family really enjoyed it. I came out for a bit and ate Thanksgiving dinner with everyone. And we've been enjoying the leftovers all day Friday and Saturday-but alas, the leftovers are now gone :( The kids are doing well. They come and cuddle and talk with me and ask me to read to them in my bed, and are happy when I come out of my room. They loved running to tell me it was snowing last night while daddy was putting up outside Christmas decorations. David is doing well for the moment with housework and keeping up with everything. Ben has been a tremendous help and I try to do what little I can, when I can (wipe a countertop as I pass by, sprinkle the carpet freshening powder as a I hobble back to my room, take stickers off the wall that the kids have gotten into :) etc). Everything else just has to be "let go".

I do appreciate the prayers and support and ask that you continue. We've had friends make and freeze (with directions), some meals, to help relieve David out with care of family and responsibilities. The food we have recieved so far has been a blessing and a great help and so delicious! I can not Thank everyone enough!!!!! I really appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you! I will update again if and when there is something to report...probably Wednesday. David has the next two weeks off to take care of me/kids, take kids and I to Dr. appts. ect.

I also posted pictures of "setting up Christmas", I pretty much laid on the couch and took pictures and watched the kids. Shanndon had been BEGGING to put up Christmas, as he saw lights and such around town. I personally don't believe in skipping over Thanksgiving though, so we waited til the weekend after Thanksgiving. The kids had a blast.