Sunday, December 7, 2008

2 weeks post surgery

Well, I went to my 2 week check up. Everything looks good. He took out 1 of the 4 drains. The drains are annoying and are killing me. It's a lot for me to get out and around, so I ended up resting the rest of the day. Thursday I woke up and found that my left tummy drain had come unstitched and called the DR. They said just to baby it. Also all day Thursday I was having pain in my right tummy, that didn't relieve at all, so I called the Dr and Stephanie (to babysit) and David took me in. 1 of 3 things could be wrong...1 I could have "over done it" (in my opinion not likely, but i suppose it's possible since I did go on a screaming rampage Wednesday night about the disgusting state of the house and tried to do stuff Thursday morning), 2 The fluid that would have drained in the one they took out was trying to work itself to other drains and therefore "pulling" on healed tissue which caused pain, or 3 pulled a stitch inside me (nothing they can do about it without reopening me! ) So, Thursday and Friday I was on strict bedrest. Saturday we got out of the house and did a couple small things, one of which was grocery shopping (with me in a wheel chair) and I came home and slept Saturday to Sunday night. I am often still in a lot of pain, I am trying to take as little pain medication as possible. Moving around very slowly. Very uncomfortable and just "itchy and twitchy" I sleep A LOT!!!!!!!!! It's all part of the process, but just wanted to let everyone know what's going on here.

Sunday night David got a call from boss is away for conferences and one coworker ended up hospitalized Friday with Ecoli and is still there with a "deflated" lung. He needs to come back to work on day shift. HUH? I'm sleeping 24/7 and David needs to go back to work?! crap!!! So, we talked about it. David said he'd do all clean up: dishes, laundry, wiping, etc when he gets home and get dinner each night! David will have to leave work to take me to Dr. appt on Wednesday and Thursday. So we'll see how this goes!!!!

My next Dr. appt is 915 on Wednesday-please pray I get my drains out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!