Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day 2009

WOW! What a change from last year.
Let me recap for those who don't want to go back in my blog archives. Valentine's 2008 consisted of David arriving home at midnight (at the end of VDAY) and tossing me a small plastic bag from the base gas station with a small box of $5 chocolate, and a card. I have this bad habit of dreaming of GRANDURE (is that a word? Do you know what I mean?). ANYWAY, never fails, EVERY holiday, I am disappointed. David, my kids, my family in general, they just aren't like that. I'm an after thought. I realize that. AND yet, I still continue to dream! LOL
This year, there was no mention really of Valentine's Day (although of course, I hoped and dremt (sp?!)). David and Ben came home from Winter Blast a little early (all night Royal Ranger lock in). When I woke up, there was a bouquet of flowers on the table, and there was mylar "Happy Valentine's Day" Banner in the dining room and a little gift of "Vday bear" hair clips. It was so cool. I wasn't an after thought!!!!! I woke up to this! It made my day! I went into the bedrom and woke David up and said Thank you and gave him a kiss. He proceded to tell me that he arranged for us to go to the Vday Banquet at church that night as well. WOOHOO! How sweet! He planned! He thought! I am sooooooo impressed! We had a great time at the banquet, got to meet people and get to know names and such (this is a new church for us). Also, I wore my Vday bear hair clips and everyone commented on them, how cute they were, and I got to ohh and ahhh over how sweet and thoughtful my dear hubby was! It was a great day! Thanks babe!