Saturday, May 24, 2008

Carol's Party

We had a storm Thursday over night that tore up the yard. We woke up, got breakfast and headed outside. I worked on the inside of the house and David and the kids worked on the yard (raked sticks, picked up trash and dog poop, and David set up the tent). Carol's stalker (Dillion) came over at 10am, rode his bike from Pawnee and Broadway to here! He wanted to say goodbye before she leaves and gave her his sudent ID. How cute! Anyway, he was here for a while, so I informed him that today was her ALL GIRL party and that I needed her help getting ready. So he left and Carol helped work on the house and yard. About 1pm I started cutting up food. We had so much food! Meat, cheese, crackers, pretzels, chips, strawberries, cherries, bananas, apples, chocolate.
About 230pm one girl showed up and it was a couple hours before the others came. Stalker boy (Dillon) came back with his mom! This time he gave her a picture of himself. We had two 6 ft. tables set up in front with inflatable guitars, wax lips, dog tags and stickers on it. We had chips and peanut platter out there too. The girls hung out at the front tables for a while talking. In the kitchen we had the fruit and chocolate fountain, and meat and cheese platter. In back, I had buns and condiments set up.
We ate hamburgers and hot dogs about 6pm. The girls hung out in back talking for a while. There was music going in the living room, front yard and back yard. The chocolate fountain was a hit! After a while the girls came in the house and hung out in the living room. I think that's when Carol opened her presents. They played Dance DAnce Revolution and then April came and brought Guitar Hero. Maialen and Myla were leaving about 9pm, so we went out and did S'mores. The girls hung out by the fire table for a while. Myla's parents came to pick them up about 945pm. After a bit one other girl had to leave and there was a water balloon, hose fight. They decided to come in and wanted to watch a movie. They ended up putting in "What lies beneath". David had to be up at 430am and was ready to go to bed. We cleaned up a bit, left the girls with chips and peanuts, popcorn to snack on; then headed to bed. They were suppose to camp out in the tent overnight, but we got hit with a very bad storm about 1am, so they camped on the living room floor instead.
230am I woke up and checked on them, they were still up, talking and giggling in Carol's room. In the morning I tried to keep the little ones occupied and quiet in my room and back half of hte house, so that we didn't disturb the girls too badly. Ben had spent the night at my friend Stephanie's house. Shanndon was sick and was no trouble, and really Christianna wasn't too bad either-TV is a wonderful thing sometimes! LOL. So is a mountain of clean laundry!!! LMAO. Abie and Phoung left about 10am, they didn't even want breakfast. Abie leaves Tuesday and Phoung leaves Wednesday...they are stressing many parties and things to do to get ready, and not enough time. School records won't be ready til Tuesday morning, so she has to go to the school and then go get her driver's license (cheaper and easier to do it in AMerica then in Germany) and a bunch of stuff, before going to the the airport. Melanie and Stephanie stayed til about 330pm. They had bagels and juice for breakfast.
This evening we went to April's graduation party and tomorrow is Maialen's graduation party. It's a party weekend I tell ya! I'm so tired already! LOL. I decided to have a spur of the moment party on Monday. I invited 5 other homeschooling families to come over- we're gonna grill and hang out and have a fire...IF it doesn't rain! That'll be nice to have some adult interaction. The kids will be very happy to have thier friends over!
So, that was Carol's birthday! Hopefully it was a good one, one to remember. There was lots of pictures taken, so hopefully all the girls remember it well. It was the first time I ever threw a party for a teenager. Hopefully, I wasn't too overbearing, it wasn't too boring, etc.
Happy Birthday Carolina Lago Silva! I love you and I wish you the best no matter what you do and where you are! You'll always be a part of our family.