Saturday, May 31, 2008


I am soooooooooooo tired! All last weekend (Thursday night-Monday night)we had storms. According to Tuesday's "Wichita Eagle", Kansas got 80 tornadoes in those 4 days! Every night the kids were up crying, scared of the thunder, every night we had to wake up and scramble to close windows. Every morning we had to clean up debris and dump water out of things. I was sure there was no way there could be any moisture left in the sky! Surely all the water was dumped in those 4 days onto our house and city!? LOL
We did get a break, for which I am grateful! Tuesday thru Friday, we've been playing outside, riding bikes, going to the YMCA waterpark. Coincidently, we've met just about everyone we know at the YMCA waterpark! I guess all the parents and kids were sick of being couped up!
Saturday (today) we have a Royal Rangers fishing trip. Carol and I were going to leave the kids home with David in the morning and her and I were going to go shopping, then this afternoon we'll go fishing. I dunno if that's going to happen now! I can't even open my eyes wide enough to make it to the shower to get ready for the day! Last night about 4am, Sky (our black puppy) started barking and woke us up. We sleep with our back door open to cool off. It was starting to hail! He kept barking, so we let him and Butterscotch out of thier kennel to stand at the door and observe what was happening. Sure enough, that knocked off the barking. Well all of a sudden, it sounded like the roof was just being pounded by baseballs! We ran around closing all the windows and I decided to go in the little kids' room to sleep with them, as the lightening and thunder were getting louder and closer together, that way, they didn't have to come looking for me, I'd just be there. Even Carol was up and couldn't sleep. The thunder was so loud, the hail just pounded the windows and house. I spent half that time with my hands over Shanndon's ears! When we woke up, we found what seemed like half of a tree torn down in our front yard. I haven't even looked at the car yet. I'm so tired.
According to the news and, we're suppose to get rain again all week with sever storms and HAIL! There is a thunderstorm warning posted til noon today and then a moderate chance we'll get an afternoon one too! I don't think we're going fishing if there's a strong chance we'll get hailed on! There's a 40% chance tht we'll get sever thunderstorms with giant hail tomorrow too, which was the day I was planning to take the family on a two hour drive to see Kansas waterfalls! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
I know we don't live in a drought area, desert, etc. I know that we are blessed to have the rain and water we have. Logically, I know this. Emotionally, I'm so sick of it and am annoyed. I'm sick of mud, dirt, water. I can't sit anywhere outside, cause all my outdoor furniture is soaked to the hilt. I can barely keep a clean towel around, cause the kids and dogs track in mud and dirt, so my doorways are lined with towels, then they need baths too, so there goes the other half the towels. I'm tired of not knowing from hour to hour what to expect.Most of all, I'M TIRED of not sleeping...more like the KIDS NOT SLEEPING. Shanndon is terrified every night. I didn't even know there was a storm coming and he woke up at midnight crying and scared to death because there was a storm coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about freaked out at 4am when it started! Creepy!
So, now it's almost 1030am on Saturday and I have no desire to move to get ready for the day. I have no idea if we're going fishing. I have to go to Walmart to get worms...I don't want to buy worms if they aren't going to get used and just sit in my fridge all week!!!! IF we do go fishing, it's going to be a muddy mess! And we'll all probably be miserable anyway! Grumble. BAH HUMBUG! OKay, I'm done bitching. Going to go lay on the couch and doze. Thank GOD my children like TV, that's what's keeping them occupied and QUIET at the moment! David is dozing in the recliner with Shanndon in his arms. I think we'll all take a nap today starting very soon!!!!!!!!!