Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Saturday night about 10pm after a couple games of "Clue", I told Ben he needed to go to bed, so he could wake up early to bring me breakfast in bed and shower me with flowers and diamonds. He started laughing hysterically and said, "why would I do that?" I said, "cause it's Mother's Day and you have the best mom in the world who does everything for you and gives you everything and you love me." He said okay and went to bed.
I went to bed a little after midnight, I woke up to pee about 130am and David was not in bed, I stumbled to the bathroom without my glasses, saw the kitchen light on and David standing in the doorway. I said, "what are you doing?" He said "nothing". So, I peed and went back to bed. In the morning, I asked David if he'd make me scrambled eggs, so he did. Then the kids filed in and said Happy Mother's Day. I got a card, bouquet of flowers, and a watch (while I was in Arizona, Shanndon broke my watch that was on my nightstand here at home). It was a very relaxing day. I hopped in the shower, we went to church, came home and ate lunch and put kids down for a nap. Carol, David, Ben and I played "Clue". That evening we rode our bikes to the park and played, then went out to dinner.
Ben at some point during the day, I think it was over lunch, proceeded to tell me (he's 8 years old!)..."Mommy, I thought about what you said last night about giving me everything I want, and really you don't give me everything I want, because I don't have every Bionicle". I just looked at him blankly. No expression. Inside I was dying, it felt like I got stabbed in the heart, but I want him to feel free to talk to me, so I showed nothing. He looked at me and stopped himself and said, "Uh...nevermind, forget what I said." I just said, "Ok".
Other then that one comment, it was a nice day. Valentines day, David stopped at the base convienent store on the way home from work and tossed a plastic bag with candies and a card to me and said "Happy Valentine's Day", at least today he got it in the middle of the night and had it ready for me when I woke up. When he was talking to a friend at church he revealed he had no fore thought, he just stood there and picked something out. What is it about men? No creativity, romance, fore thought, etc. UGH! Oh well, lol, such is life as I know it!
I do have to brag on my kids...Ben searched his room high and low to give me something and he loves this item, but he thought I'd like it, so he gave it to me...a feather he got from the zoo (taped to a quarter and put on the coffee pot). Isn't that the sweetest thing?! Shanndon made me a card with my favorite color and gave me a rock. SOOOOO cute!