Tuesday, May 6, 2008

So much!

Things with Carol are pretty much done with. She was granted the ability to stay. She has to do 15 hours community service, write an essay and still be grounded.
Last week the kids started getting sick (even the dog-Sky- was sick!!!). Ben first, then a few days later Shanndon, then the next day Christianna, Wednesday Carol, then me Thursday. Well by Thursday Ben woke up saying his ear hurt (although he seemed on the mend from his cold) and Shanndon and Christianna were not getting better, so we took them to Urgent Care. All three were given meds...ear infections and cough medicine. Be was wheezing, so he been getting the nebulizer 3 times a day. This has been a fun week let me tell you. Shanndon hates taking meds! I gave them the antibiotics the second the pharmacy handed them to me! They were on the mend, YEAH! Shanndon missed the entire week of school, but I don't even care!
Saturday Carol went to prom, she left in the early afternoon with April and her mom to get hair done and pictures and what not. We went in the late afternoon and evening with friends (Dan and Rachel from church and thier friends Steve and Linda) to Lake Afton. Walmart vision center called saying my glasses were in, so I stopped and picked them up, then we headed to sporting goods, got our fishing licenses and a new pole for Ben and bait, then we headed out. It was fun. The kids had a great time playing with thier friends, it was nice weather. The adults all fished (well me and the guys-Rachel and Linda wanted nothing to do with it! LOL). Ben and Shanndon even fished. I caught the first fish of the day-all be it a tiny 4 inch blue gill. David followed with a 12 1/2 inch Carpe and Dan with an 11 1/2 inch Catfish, then Dan again with a 13 1/2 inch catfish. GRRRR. David's fish swallowed his hook, so by the time he got it out, the poor thing shouldn't have been thrown back, he was gonna sharpen his knife and cut it up for bait. WELL, Christianna got a hold of it and threw it back. Boy did she think that was funny! That girl had no problem touching the worms and fish!!! Who's child is she anyway? It was really cold that night and we all huddled by the fire in blankets. We had a great time.
Sunday we skipped church. David was now starting to feel sick and the kids actually slept in. We vegged around, played outside, the weather was great! I cooked a big dinner and we ate outside. Then Carol's friends mom and sister dropped by with pictures of prom. We came in the house and looked at them. The girls had a great time. No dates, just all the girls went as friends. Why didn't I think of that when I was that age? No, it had to be ALL about the date!!! Crimeny! After they left, all of us got on our bikes and we rode around the neighborhood. We ended up going to Kiwanis park for an hour, then rode up to Orchard park for another hour. We played in the sand, burying each other. Then we came home.
Monday, I woke up and called my dad. He was having surgery at 1130am and was given 50/50 chance of making it off the table! I expected Shanndon to go to school. About 130pm, the bus had not shown up, so I called the school. The Pre-K is having testing this week and while Shanndon doesn't need testing, they don't have school Monday-Wednesday! Being as he was sick all last week, I didn't get a reminder and being is I was gone 2 weeks before that, I didn't ge the initial notice...my husband did...and neglected to tell me! GRRR. So, he took a nap (good and long too). We went to Cici's to eat and then the YMCA to swim. I am happy to report, my dad made it out of surgery and so far is doing well. We will see how this week goes, it's touch and go. He's got a 25% chance of making it thru the week.
Tuesday (today), was the last day of YEA. We had our end of semester picnic. Steph, Kendra and I showed up. WOOHOO! This is what YEA has turned into. 3 families. Last week, it was Kendra, Cindy and me! What will happen in the fall? No clue and really at this point I don't care! I quit! I am done take responsibility for things. I am done leading. Speaking of being done...we were going to host another exchange student. We had picked a boy from Korea. Today we got notice that he dropped out of the program. I told the representative that I think it was for the best and I'm going to take it as a sign to hold off this year!!!! When I told Ben we weren't going to pick another student, he was very sad. But, once we explained that it didn't mean we were done forever, he understood. I think with all the things going on: me having surgery in June, possibly moving on base sometime, and wantng to go on vacation in October...it's for the best. Now to end Tuesday...I was going to take the kids swimming again, but I had a couple errands to run...Michael's to buy 11 Tshirts (we're going to make our own uniforms for Missionettes), then Dillon's and then swimming. I pay for Michaels and get to Dillons, go to grab my wallet...NO WALLET! I lost it. Spent the next two and a half hours calling Michaels, going to Michaels, cleaning out my car, coming home, searching high and low, cleanng the car more...finally I was called at 830pm. They found it at Michaels! Totally untouched, THANK YOU GOD!!! Aisle 13-Tshirts, right where I was and LOOKED!!!! I had Carol sit with the kids for the 10 minutes it took me to run up there and back.
Craziness, I tell ya. Well, that's been my week in a nut shell. I'm heading to bed. I am going to try to get some cleaning and organizing done this week. HA! We'll see how that turns out!