Saturday, May 17, 2008

Last day of school

Carol's last day of school was Thursday. Friday we had her Senior Breakfast. I was the only host mom to attend. I picked up Abie and Phoung. I felt so honored that she asked me to go. David stayed home with the kids. It was bascially just breakfast and some kids and staff spoke, and then there was a slide show of photos from the year. Then they had convocation practice afterwards. April's mom was staying to do some stuff, so she gave the girls a ride home about 10am and then about 11am we went to Botanica Garden's. Then we came home and ate lunch and Shanndon went for his last day of school. His bus driver gave him a remote control truck. The aide on the bus said that kids like Shanndon make thier job worth it, that he is such a good, sweet kid! YEA! How awesome is that!
I'm so relieved! There is so much more "time" now! No rushing around to get here and there, time constraints, etc. Everyone is asking if Shanndon will go to preschool next year...I don't know. The way I feel right now, NO. He liked it, but man, it was a pain in the butt! I didn't like his teacher, and he'll probably have the same one next year! If I couldn't handle the "schedule" and teacher for the 3 months he attended, how will I do it for a full year?
On one hand, this is a great time on the other hand it's very sad. While we have more time and things to do with the weather getting better and no school...It also means the time is closer for Carol to leave! She leaves June 5th! The kids are going to be sooooooooooooo devastated! We've been talking about "when Carol goes home" but I don't think the little ones have ANY concept of what's about to happen to them! I am so sad. I love her so much. She's grown up and changed so much. She's really like my daughter and good friend at the same time. I dunno how I'm going to say goodbye. I'm trying not to think about it. I'll just fall apart on June 5th.