Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dad's funeral

Friday night was busy. Francis Jr., Amy and Theresa all arrived in town. All of dad's living 8 children (and most of the spouses) and 15 of his grandchildren were all together in a 2 bedroom apartment. For me and those that have children, it was a riot and really utter bliss. The children played so well together!!! BUT, it was loud, and chaotic!!! Francis and Theresa had a bit of a hard time, but they held up really well!!! It was soooooooooo beautiful!!! We got back to the hotel about 1230AM.
We set the alarm for 7AM, so that we had time to shower, get ready, get breakfast and get to the church on time. Getting ready was fairly uneventful. David took a shower, then Ben and I went to the lobby to eat. I brought food up for the little ones, who incidentally woke up shortly after Ben and I had left. I was hoping they'd sleep in. So they ate and I got my shower and got ready. The room was a mess from eating in it. Everything was okay tho. Then we got into the car and started to drive to the church. I started to have a panic attack, couldn't hardly breath and was holdng back the tears. David asked if I was okay and reached across and held my hand. As we pulled up to the corner of Plainfield Rd. and High Rd., I saw dad's hearse. That was terrible! I started to cry then.
10AM Saturday June 14, 2008, the funeral director was going to bring the casket to the church and needed men to take the casket into the church. We all met at 10am. I think this is the first time in my life, I have ever seen every peice of the family assemble at the same time and be ON TIME!!!! Mom's best friend Andy (and our brother John) has been with mom thru everything when I couldn't be, she's helped mom thru decisions and has just been here...when Andy came up to me, I lost it. I hugged her and cried and thanked her for being with mom. It's sad for me that I couldn't be here for mom, I couldn't help, so I'm glad she had someone. Andy even sat next to mom during the service.
We went in for the viewing. 1030AM was for family and close friends only, then they opened it up at 11AM to the public. This was hard. Ben was seeing his grandfather deceased. I felt so bad for him...and Andrew and Amanda too. Those 3 were hurting so bad! Ben took pictures!!! Here I was looking at my father. He looked good by the way! The neighbor had just on Monday shaved him-hair, ears, nose, eyebrows- and cleaned up his scruffiness! His tummy had "deflated?" He was wearing a Hawaian shirt. It was so him. John put together a slide show presentation of ALL kinds of pictures! It was beautiful. I kissed daddy and told him that it wasn't right that he wasn't here that he'd be so happy if he could see what was around him right now and that I really neeed one of his big hugs right now! He did look so peaceful tho. I know he's not suffering and he's happy. As Ben says, he's in his mansion that God prepared for him, with his own train room! I had a few friends come-Chrissy from Kentucky and Stephanie (she lives in town). It was so nice to have them there. They called him dad when we were younger. He was everyone's dad!!!!
Shortly after 12 noon the service started. There was standing room only and people on the stairs in the entry way. The church even manned a nursery for us, so most the kids were downstairs. My brother John and his "other dad" (family friend) Art, sang a duet, then Julie spoke. EVERYONE bawled with Julie speaking. She summed up his life, legacy, beliefs, heart, our childhood and adulthood, so beautifully. "Our father was NO prince charming, but his wife loved him!" LOL. My dad had the most horrible voice, but boy did he love to belt out a tune and rock out and just plain ole' sing!!!! My quote of the week has been: "Family was everything to him, and everyone was his family". There was another song, then dad's brother and sister spoke, Then another song and a short sermon, then we all sang, "How Great Thou Art" as a congregation and we were released for lunch.
My kids were starving. Shirleen Peterson grabbed two plates and I grabbed two plates and we rushed around to get the kids food. You know someone actually complained that I was suppose to be in line. I'm like kids have been here since 10AM, haven't eaten since 9AM and they're starving- service ran long, and it was 130pm before we got released! So I got them sat and eating in a back corner and then got in line for myself. David took the kids to the hotel for naps about 3pm while I stayed. I went to mom's house with Theresa and Mom about 530pm. It was nice to have quiet when we got back. Then everyone came over about 7/730pm.
About 930PM, I took my sister Amy and her best friend Stacie to meet up with the rest of the siblings and thier spouses at a bar. We went to Q Billiards and Sportsbar. I had 2 Long Iced Teas and called it a night. Francis, Julie and Ernesto, Amy and Stacie, James and his friend Danny, and Julie's friend Susie stayed. I gave Lee a ride home (JoEllyn and Carol are pregnant and the stayed at mom's house with thier kids, and David kept my kids at mom's house.) So we headed back to the hotel about 1230am.