Saturday, June 7, 2008

Francis W. Rupp Sr. has passed away

At 345pm, on June 7th, I received a phone call from my mom. "I'm sorry I didn't prepare this better for you honey, I don't know how else to say it but to say it", she said. "What mom?" I said. "Your dad passed away" she said. "What?" I said. "Your dad passed away honey", she said. "NO! No he didn't! He was getting better! He was fine! What happened? When?" I said.

He had a form of gastric bypass a few weeks ago. It was a desperate measure to help him get better, he'd been in and out of the hospital every couple months for a while. We were told he'd have a 50/50 chance making it off the table, then 25% chance of making it thru the week. He did both those things, Even getting off the ventilator 2-3 days early. He was doing very well, was home, on the mend, etc.

The last couple days he's been lethargic and having a hard time sleeping. He was depressed, realizing how hard the life after gastric bypass was. He was not doing very well. This morning my mom checked on him and he was asleep, so she left him alone-thinking that he needed the sleep. Then a while later, 1030am, checked on him again and realized he was not asleep, he was in fact gone instead and had been for some time (approximately 3-4am accordng to the coroner). She didn't call anyone, as she was afraid once she called, she wouldn't have time alone with him again, so she stayed by his side. She finally called people. My brother was first as she couldn't handle all that needed to be done. He drove in from Indiana and went to tell the younger siblings. My mom called me.

I immediately started calling people to see what my options were. Stephanie is going to watch the dogs, Diana will come over every few days and check on the cats. I called red cross and David will be able to come with us, although I don't know for how long we'll go or he'll get to go. My mom has requested that I wait to come. Everyone else will have to return to work and there will be a big "let down" and need for me afterwards, so If I could spend more time afterwards, she needs me then. SOOO, tentatively at the moment the plan out Wednesday, arrive Thursday. The funeral will be Saturday (THE DAY BEFORE FATHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!! UGH!) at Marion Hills Bible Church on Plainfield and High Rd. in Darien Illinois. We'll probably stay a week after that to help mom get settled down/in/whatever. Alright, so that's my news, just wanted to let everyone know why I'm not around. There's so much to do to prepare, then 2 weeks after I return home, we'll be moving (ya, I know, I'm behind in blogging, need to write more about that later!)