Friday, October 10, 2008

3 weeks post surgery-You won't believe my luck!

Well its been 3 weeks since I had my middle body lift. The first week -2 went better then I thought. I felt I was getting around better then anticipated, thought I was in less pain then anticipated. I had 4 drains (tubes sticking out of my body that emptied into a little bulb like thing)-these things are uncomfortable, annoying, they got "caught" on things, painful even. Last week I got my right side tummy drain removed. They want your "drainage" to be between 20-25 or less to remove them. The other drains were still putting out 30-40, so I had 3 still in this week. This week has been the most metal anguish I have been in, the holes for the drains were burning and hurting. I seriously have been very depressed, and down about the whole surgery. I've had lots of people tell me "I'm lucky" to have this surgery, "It will all be worth it", etc. This is not how I was feeling. I've been angry, resentful, mad at myself, etc.

Sunday night David got a call from work (he's on leave!). Apparently one boss is on a "business trip" for 2 weeks and another co-worker is hospitalized with Ecoli and a partially deflated lung, so they needed David to come in and on day shift. We talked about it...I can't drive yet, his boss said there'd be no problem getting off for the DR appts we had this week. The kids sleep in til 9am, so then I'd just have to get them breakfast and change and dress Christianna and lunch. David said he'd do all clean up and everything. Then he'd be home at 315pm. The first day (Monday), was not a good sign-I got Christianna changed and dressed, then went around gathering sippy cups and gathering dirty clothes. When I came to the front of the house, Christianna had taken the lock off the fridge, pulled out about 10 string cheese and scissors and cut up cheese and wrappers all over the couch and floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I about killed her! David got home about 30 minutes later and put her and I too bed and we had a short nap together.

Tuesday-the day before my 3 week surgery appt. I woke up itching really bad!!!! I was broke out in HIVES from head to toe (neck, hair, eyes, ears, palms, on and in my incision, etc.)!!!! I called David and we went to Urgent Care (Base clinic had no appts open). I was given an Epinepheren shot (HOLY CRAP that burned!!!!), and 2 Atarax, then scripts for Atarax and Prednisone. The problem is, Prednisone hinders healing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They didn't want to prescribe it to me without consulting my surgeon. So, I called the surgeon, and while he's not happy about it, he said we'll deal with the consequences and to take them (the hives are as bad or worse today!!!!) They have no idea why i broke out in these hives. It could be any one of numerous reasons, or a combination of reasons! From prolonged narcotic use, to delayed antibiotic reaction, to even a new Latex allergy (the binder I'm wearing has Latex in it). So I'm no longer on the Dilaudid, as the build up of the narcotic could be a cause, so if I stop it, the hives should go away (eventually).

Each day we record the 24 hour "output" of these drains. I was looking at the numbers last night (full of hives, after "whining on the phone to my mom, uncomfortable as all get out and in pain) and I just KNEW the DR was not going to take them out. They were still outputting anywhere from 30-40. I joked to David and my mom that I was going to fudge the numbers. They both advised me not too, I can get thru this, it will all be worth it, yada yada. This morning I woke up and I did it, I wrote up a new paper and I fudged my output numbers to make them "borderline". So, the DR was hestitiant, but he saw the (fudged) numbers and listened to my begging and whining and took out the drains. He said, are you willing to deal with the possible problems and complications? I said yes! He said, fine, I told you...and took them out!

SO i'm feeling a little better, more free, as I don't have tubes sticking out of me...less freakish, as I don't have these drains hanging off me. The holes where the drains were are still sore and the hives are killing me, but hopefully that will all dissapate soon. I am wearing a binder 24/7 and they orded me a "support undergarment" that i'll have to wear for 6 weeks (but couldn't wear with the drains). The Dr. is worried cause I have quite a bit of swelling and now my legs are swollen and the hives.

There was bad weather last night and today the roads are bad, on the way home from the DR., two blocks from our house, David was turning and slid thru a turn, smashed a curb hard head on, and drove on someone's lawn, between a powerpole and wire. It hurt my "incision" very bad (right above my pubic bone). I didn't really pay much attention, thought it would go away...well it didn't, got worse. Motrin 800 wasn't touching it. I don't see anything "messed up" on the outside, it's more inner, like under the incision. I'm hoping and praying it's nothing serious and this pain goes away soon as well.

My next appt is next Wednesday. I am hoping to be able to drive by then, so David can just stay home with the kids while I take myself to the Dr. and then to take the kids that night to the church Christmas party. And I'm hoping I make it to Wednesday with no complications and all is well for that appt! David is dong very well holding down the fort. It's taken a melt down over the condition of the house, but he's got the house in order and is always good with the kids! I thought about making a "to do list", but didn't want to have to do that, but David has asked for a "to do list", so he can see what needs to be done daily in writing. It's just craziness!!!