Sunday, October 12, 2008

We're moved!

So much going on this week. We have completely packed everything in the house. I put together and organized, labeled etc. everything and held my very first garage sale ever! I actually think it was a success. Now it's over and boxed up. It's great, all the boxes are labeled "garage sale" and with what's in them, so they're easy to find and such. Our friends Steph and Marc have pretty much moved us!!!! They are very experienced with moving. Stephanie has come over to help with kids and boxing, etc. She's had her kids transfer all the sand into the sand box and help with the kids. We could NOT have done it without them and thier help. I can not THANK THEM enough. It was a little hard, they were moving in while we were moving out. I kinda thought that we'd have an "out date" and they'd have in "in date". But it wasn't too bad. Since they we're coming over, they brought thier items, painted walls etc. I hadn't really had a great plan to big with, which was a bad thing! Thier "landlord" was trying to sell the house from under them and they felt pressure to "get out". It was just crazy!!! David came home Friday and said he had Monday off for Columbus Day (which we hadn't known before that) and that he thought we could move that weekend, rather then Tuesday, so that pushed everyone up a couple days. So, we moved our 2nd whole house into our basement and garage. Like I said, with the hard work and help of Steph and family. It feel so good to be "DONE"! Now next Saturday we move Steph's family in. David is completely inexperienced with moving, so there are a few items left at the other house that SHOULD have been on the, the jungle gym! But, such is life. We'll just take items as we go back and forth. Now I'll spend the next couple days over at the Sabin house cleaning and patching nail holes.