Thursday, October 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Benjamin

Saturday, October 2, 1999 This was my 3rd day in the hospital, I was low on amniotc fluid. I was 2 weeks over due. I had been given stuff on my cervix to try to make my body go into labor and it wasn't working. They started me on pitocin and the baby showed signs of distress, so they stopped the pitocin, then there was no progress so they gave me more pitocin, but a lower amount. 2pm something "popped" inside me and caused a lot of pain, then a couple minutes later, it happened again, so I had David get a nurse. She asked if my water broke, I didn't think it had but what do I know? My legs were crossed at the time, so she lifted the blanket and opened my legs and-GUSH-fluid went all over the nurse. My water broke! So she called the Dr. The Dr. was not convinced that my water broke, but the now drenched nurse said, uh, YEAH it had, look at me! The baby's heart rate was not registering well on the monitors, so they screwed a monitor in his head (inside me!). I labored the rest of the day. 9pm they came in and gave me an epidural. 9:30 David went home (3 blks. away) to feed the cats, shower and do some stuff. The Dr. came in to check on me, I was dialated to a 4. They were worried. The babies heart rate was often decelerating to 60, so we called David to get him back, they were rushing me in for a CSection. I called my mom and she prayed for us. David arrived. On the way to the operating room, the baby flatlined, they worked rigorously to "get him back". They finally got a heartbeat and then proceeded with the CSection.
10:50pm, Benjamin Adonis Koopmans entered this world!!! 21 1/2 inches long, 7 lbs. 4 oz. and a full head of black hair. He looked like a little man! Tiny little body with this wise wrinkly old face. He looked "just like his daddy", everyone commented. He was taken to NICU. He was having trouble regulating his body temperature, but other then that, he was fine. I finally got him brought to me about 9am on Sunday (the next day). Daddy and Ben watched the Dallas Cowboys football game and fell asleep in my hospital bed.
Today my Ben is 9 years old! Benjamin is my maternal grandfather's name and Adonis is David's maternal grandfather's name. What can I say about Benjamin today? He is so smart, well behaved, sweet, thoughtful, innocent, loving, helpful and generous. He gives his mom hugs and kisses all the time. He adores any animal, or creature that dwells on this earth. His future plans right now are to live in Pheonix Arizona and work for the Phoenix ASPCA. He loves Bionicles, Pokemon, video games, and his friends!
Happy 9th Birthday Benjamin!!!! I love you sooooooo much!!!!!!