Friday, October 31, 2008

Goodbye October

I can't believe October is gone already. Time is seeming to just fly by. Of course that's the way it is when you have a billion things to do! I have to say, we've really been relaxed about the time crunch though. I think we were just so busy for so long, and we're so tired, that we've decided to just take it slow. We have been working on the basement! I finished the guest room (added lamps, night tables and dresser, and TV with cable hooked up). And we have unpacked, sorted, arranged, etc. a lot of the basement. I decided the table we bought was too big for the upstairs, so we brought up the 90 year old antique table that we inherited from grandma. It's about half the size, but it's still seating for 6. It's killing me though, because it's sooooo old and formal, that I freak out over every spill! I don't think it's every been used as a daily table by a young family at that! I need to just get a table cloth (add that to my to do list!). We put the big table in the basement for our school/art table. It looks great. I also started organizing school supplies, curriculum, etc.
The weather has been crazy! We got a frost for a couple days this week, the is was 77 degrees for Halloween and all this weekend! I swear the kids are gonna sick! I do love this time of year tho! I updated my profile to reflect that! I like all seasons, but summer and fall are my favorites. I love dressing in layers to stay warm, the crisp air, the bright colors of the leaves, the crunch of leaves under our feet. It's so beautiful and soooooooooooo much to do!
Wednesday, October 29, David had a vasectomy!!!!! No more babies for us! He worked til 730am that day and then napped. We arrived ad checking in about 1120/1125am, he was called back a little after noon and we were home with prescriptions by 1pm. He slept the rest of the day, til 830pm, then back to sleep for the night at 130am. He has taken about 2 pain pills each day, but his recovery has been great. He sat up and did homework at the table all day Thursday afternoon and then Friday he helped me with the basement! Then insisted on coming with us for trick or treating! I can't believe how "easy" it is for guys to have done and recover from!
So of course the end of October is Halloween. Ben wanted to be a clone trooper, Shanndon couldn't decide and Christianna didn't care. We bought Ben a clone trooper outfit at 4pm on Halloween day (20% off!!!!), and Shanndon and Christianna chose from out vast amount of dress up clothes! It was a simple day, as our last couple weeks have been. David and I worked all day on the basement-unpacking, sorting, organizing, and moving furniture. Shanndon and Christianna napped and DAvid took Ben to the store for his costume. When the kids woke up they "decided" which costume they were gonna wear. We attempted to get pictures, but they didn't cooperate very well. So the only pics I have is what you see in our "Halloween 2008" photo album. I had "grand plans" (mall, base, then college hill), but we ended up deciding to stick with the theme of the day and be simple...just walk around base. Then we went to dinner at Village Inn. We came home and had a couple pieces of candy and played, then baths and bed. Very simple and low key!!!
What a nice ending to October-relaxed, accomplished, and content. Hello November!