Friday, October 3, 2008

Sleep Study and Surgical Consultation

I have sleep apnea. I am suppose to use a breathing machine at night, but I don't! I don't do a lot of what I'm suppose to...don't take my vitamins and supplements, don't take care of myself like I should. Etc. Etc. I was hoping that with losing the 200 lbs, that my sleep apnea just went away. I go every 3 months to the Dr. for check ups. He's not happy that I'm not using my machine, so he ordered a follow up sleep study. Well the study I did a month ago came back that I do indeed still have sleep apnea. So he ordered another sleep study to figure out what pressures the breathing machine needs to be set at. I did this study last night. Currently I'm on (well, suppose to be!) a Bipap (which is a machine that pushes air in and pulls it out). My current setting is dramatically less then it was when I was 342 lbs! It used to be 15/12 now it's 12/8. So I do this sleep study...I asked the technician when it first started, what the pressure was set at, she said 8/4 (then the adjust it thru the night as I sleep to figure out what I need it set at), when I woke up at 4am, I asked what the pressures were set at now, she said 17/14. EEEEK!!!!! That's high! The bad part felt good! UGH, I've made myself sicker instead of better! The Dr. thinks this is why my Xyrem (narcolepsy/sleep medicine) and my Mirapex (restless leg medicine) are not working well. I did ask the Dr. at the last appointment, how my legs were. I only had 16 kicks an hour, which is SIGNIFICANTLY decreased (they were over 200 an hour before weight loss and Mirapex) , BUT if I were using my breathing machine, it may be even less. Do you know what a hassle it is to be a young, vibrant 33 year old couple and be on a breathing machine and sleep meds? GRUMBLE. So I go back on Oct. 16 for the "results" appointment. GRRR...back to the breathing machine!!!
Today I had final consultation with the plastic surgeon. Signed all the papers, went over the procedure and stuff I need to do pre and post surgery. I really like this Dr. He is so hot! He's hilarious, straight forward, sometimes brutely blunt, honest, did I mention hot?! LOL. The Dr. ordered tons of labs cause he said I look anemic. He put me on Iron 3 times a day and vitamins and some other supplements. We have one month to get my body healthy (Nov. 4!!!!). If my Iron is not at least an 8, he will not do surgery!!! GRRRR. Oh, and I have to quit smoking! The kicker, he wants me on protein shakes and to gain a little weight before surgery. WHAT????????? I don't think so!!!! I am 134 lbs right this second, you want me to gain more before I have a body lift??????? Do you think I'm crazy? Cause I think YOU are crazy if you think I'm going to agree to put on weight. Jimeny Crickets! Whatever.
David said, "so you actually gonna take your stuff?" I am totally committed to getting healthy for this surgery. I will take my meds and supplements and all that, so I can do this! I will wake up and take my Iron and Effexor! I will take Iron with my Mirapex at 5pm and I will take my Iron at bedtime(1am) with my last Mirapex and Xyrem! I will take my vitamins and other supplements thru the day. This I swear. That is how bad I want my body lift!!!!
Today my friend Stephanie took Ben for a field trip to cowtown with 25 other school age home schoolers and thier parents and siblings. It's so nice to have friends that help out. It's nice for Ben to get away from the "babies" and do stuff with big kids. He doesn't really care much for cowtown really, but at least he got out and was able to spend time with friends. He's lucky he's a good kid. I wouldn't dare ask my friends to watch or take or what have you, the other two...they are crazy! I try not to put my friends thru that unless absolutly neccessary!