Thursday, February 21, 2008


Tuesday February 19th Shanndon started his first day of public school. We had been talking about it for a long time, hoping to prepare him. He had seemed excited. We get there...he falls apart! My heart was breaking. Mrs. Smith (one of the paras) pulled him from me and talked to him and sat with him, held him and distracted him. She was very nice. I was filling out forms, trying to find out his bus schedule, etc. I could hear him screaming; "I want my mommy. Where'd my mommy go?" I was dying inside! What have I done!? Before I left, I saw he was calmed down, not crying, sitting on Mrs. Smith's lap and I leave.
I came to pick him up at 410pm (I took him and dropped him off for his first day), and he was sitting so nicely. He was so proud of his back pack. He told his teacher, Mrs. Bell, "Bye. See you tomorrow". He walked down the hall like a big boy. He looks so tiny in that big hallway!!!! I tell him I need to go to the store, so I give him a choice to go to the store or should we go home, he chooses the store. So we get home and daddy and Carolina (Maia was at a basketball game cheering til 10pm) make a big deal of school and we all say what a big boy he is, etc. He seemed so proud! He had a big smile on his face. It was cute. That night, we went swimming with Stephanie and her family at the south YMCA. Shanndon was on day 4 of no nap! He came home and passed out!!!!
Wednesday, Feb 20th he was going to start riding the school bus. Before this, he had been so excited! He was going to ride the school bus just like Carolina and Maia do!!!! The bus came and he cried and threw a fit. They wouldn't take him! It didn't help that they were substitutes either, so I'm sure they aren't used to this age, or the "special needs" type behavior. So I had to run in and get dressed and load kids (didn't help that the school bus was late and then the fit Shanndon threw, then me having to get pants on and kids loaded). We didn't get there til 140pm! Class starts at 120pm. LOL. So I asked how he was gong to get home. If they had trouble they'd call me. Sure enough-426pm Shanndon's bus pulled up. He was was happy and he did OK. He was in a line with other students and he cried a little, but nothing like the before school bus. So then we all (Maia included this time) again made a big deal about him being big and riding the bus and he was so happy.
Wednesday night he went in his own class at church for the very first time (Rainbows). He was with friends (Nathan, Lauryn and Olivia). He had fun. It's only an hour and I have the class right next door.
I was worried about today-but prepared. Was I going to have to drive him?Was he going to throw a fit again? He didn't!!!! He walked on the us all by himself! He got in his harness, didn't fuss, sat like a big boy. I waved him off. Today they have school pictures.
OMG!!!!! Shanndon's a big boy. He's doing well! I think he likes school! I'm going to cry! Aren't kids suppose to want thier mom, need thier mom, be devastated and scarred without thier mom? I just "lost" one of my babies!
Yesterday while Shanndon was at school, we all had Dr appts. Today, we've been out and about all day, so Christianna hadn't had a nap. So Christianna is napping and Shanndon is at school! I took out hamburger for dinner (for spaghetti), cleaned the outside of the fridge, I did a load of laundry and straightened an area of the laundry room, then Ben and I played 2 board games! Now I'm blogging. IF she's still asleep when I get done blogging, I'm going to clean off my dryer. IF she wakes up, I'll get her a snack and play a bit with her. Play with Christianna? Alone? How do I do that? What do I do? I don't know what to do with myself! I'm going to freak out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am going to "plan" to go to gym from 130p-4p three days a week, starting next week. if we can get there, get Christianna in the "kids zone" and Ben set up and me working out by 2pm, I can work out til 330pm, gather Ben and Christianna and get home by 4pm, then Shanndon will be dropped off about 426pm. I can start dinner and be ready for him when he gets home. Then, serve dinner and baths and books and bed. Perfect! I've got it all figured out. Will it work? Okay, well I gotta go clean my dryer off. That's my blog for the day! LOL