Sunday, February 24, 2008

We have POOP

Okay, this may not be exciting for some, but it is for us. We have been talking to Shanndon a little about pottying. We went out and picked out big boy underwear and been putting him in it every now and then. For his birthday we gave him a "potty time Elmo". Yesterday he was in underwear and slept in my bed for a nap and didn't wet!!!
Today, he was wearing his Hot Wheels underwear and he saw his Mickey Mouse underwear and wanted to wear them instead! David said, "you already have underwear on, maybe tomorrow". About 2 minutes later, Shanndon came in and said, "mommy, I peed in my Hot wheels underwear, I want to wear my Mickey Mouse underwear". So David told him that we tried to wear underwear today and it didn't work, so he'll wear a diaper the rest of the day...Shanndon was upset and I told him, "you have to decide if you want to go potty like a big boy, or wear a diaper like a baby". He said, "I will go potty like a big boy!" A few minutes later, Shanndon comes running in and says, "Daddy, I pooped in the potty all by my elf!" ("elf", isn't that the cutest thing!) So I ran in and David was checking his butt..sure enough, he pooped!!! He also wiped (pretty well), flushed and washed his hands all by his "ELF"!!!!!! I'm going to have a heartache with giddiness today!!!!
Well, Sky just pooped on the carpet square in front of the not a perfect day, but that's okay. I'm on cloud nine!!! Gotta go get ready for church. After church it will be lunch and nap time and I'll head off to workout with my crew (Stephanie, Maialen and Carolina)!!