Saturday, March 29, 2008

Whoopie Cushion

Whoopie Cushion Current mood: blessed Category: Life
Alright, so you gotta know that this is funny with having the title Whoopie Cushion! I have two boys and a very childlike hubby, a whoopie cushion around the house is not a suprise. At least it seems perfectly normal to me. I got both boys whoopie cushions for Christmas in thier stockings. Ben’s ended up getting popped, so we’re down to one in the house right now. Being is we only have one, it comes and goes-lost and found, ya know. Well, it’s been found!!!! This time, it’s been found by the 19 month old GIRL! SHE LOVES IT!!!! She doesn’t talk yet, but she moans and gestures and pushes it at me for me to blow it. So, not thinking she’d know what to do with it, I blew it up...she did it! She turned around, put it on the floor, sat on it and proceeded to laugh hysterically!!!!!! It was so funny! She’s now been doing this for 2 days constantly! Shanndon is interested in it too, so we’re working on taking turns, I blow it up, Shanndon sits on it and gives it back, then I blow it up and Christianna does it. They share and take turns so nicely! The house is roaring in laughter! It is so funny and cute to watch two little kids playing with a whoopie cushion!!! And Christianna’s laugh, is so sincere and cute and deep! I’m sorry, just had to share.

Friday, March 28, 2008


I got a letter from my insurance about the request from the plastic surgeon to remove my excess abdominal skin: insufficient clinical information.
They are requesting that the Dr send them more information within the next 10 business days (I don’t know what more info they need, I’m sure the surgeon would have sent them everything.) SO...looks like no go for now on any surgery. Guess it wasn’t meant to be.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Not as hopeful as I hoped

David asked about vacation on Monday. The boss said he doesn’t see a problem, so I guess I’m going to Arizona!!! My friend Jennifer is due to have her 4th baby (April 12th give or take, lol). She had the first two in the hospital, and then I got to be there for her 3rd. She had him in a birthing center. Ben and her oldest got to splash in the water as she labored, her hubby was in the water and I was at her head fanning her, wiping her sweat, etc. It was beautiful! This one, she’s having at home!!!!! I am so excited! I’m scared to death to leave David home alone with the kids for so long, but the plan as of this moment is to take Christianna. Hopefully it won’t be too bad for him then. Carolina will be here too, in the evening and weekends when not at games and with friends. I haven’t booked the flight yet, but the plan is to go April 5-19th. I need a break right now from things anyway!
March 12th was my 4 year anniversary of having Gastric Bypass surgery. I have lost 200 lbs. I got pregnant 2 months after gastric bypass and then again 7 months after that pregnancy. I had to be a stable weight for one year in order to get a referral form my insurance to see a plastic surgeon about removing my excess skin. Well, Christianna is 19 months old, so I’ve been stable for 19 months!!! Coincidentally, the insurance made my plastic surgeon appointment on my 4 yr anniversary! I filled out a bunch of paperwork, talked to the Dr about procedures, and the liklihood of insurance paying. He said we MAY be able to get some of the skin removed, but they most likely wouldn’t pay for the arms, legs, or lower body lift! :( They are sending off the documentation and pictures (yeppers pictures!!!!) to insurance and we should hear back in 2-4 weeks about what they will or won’t pay for. Please think postitive thoughts and pray for a great decision for me. I really really want a lower body lift, legs, and arms (and breasts too).
That’s the update for now. Off to start another busy day. Speech, Asthma Dr., park and MAYBE workout tonight.

Monday, March 10, 2008

First week of March

As of this past Tuesday, David and I became coaches of Benjamin's soccer team. We arranged and held practice on Friday afternoon and we turned in our paper work on Saturday. David got his "coach's bag" and while me and the kids were at hte YMCA, he coached his first soccer game!!! The parents have been very nice and cooperative and grateful. One kid dropped out and went to a different league and another kid we can't get in contact with and we think he won't be back. So, we have a team of 6. You need 5 to play. Saturday afternoon when we all got home, ate and got kids down for a nap, David was showing me all the stuff in his coach's bag. I had him write down at the game who played what position and when, so I organized all the paperwork, made a notebook of stuff and made up a playlist for the next 3 games (which boy plays what position in each quarter and who sits out, etc.). The kids then woke up and we kinda just hung out the rest of the day. David and I are kinda excited. I don't think we'll ever go thru this league again, but so that we could finish out the season and Ben could play, we had to step up and we're making it work. I did all the arranging, talking with parents, snack schedule, playlist, etc. David played with the kids. That's what we do!!!! A friend was worried about it being one more thing for me to do. She's right, I keep adding to my plate,'s only 2 months. I refuse to let it interfere too much with the rest of our lives. I will still do my morning YMCA work outs, they just may need to be altered a tad bit depending on the game schedule.
David went back to work today. He will have to probably be on mids or swings (not days). We talked about it, I originally thought that mids would suck, but he made some good points. If hes on mids, he'd just go to bed when he got home. We are out of the house a lot, so it shouldn't be too bad as far as noise, although he will have to get used to it. If he's on mids, he can still do Royal Rangers and soccer practice and go with to the YMCA in the evenings, have dinner with the family, help with baths and get kids to bed, etc. I'd mss him tho :( It's lonely sleeping by yourself!
I bought Carol a replacement charger yesterday. Her cell phone is now up and running and she even talked to her mom yesterday on it. I have just written it off as a loss and moved on. I can say "it's done".
Shanndon's school has parent/teacher conferences this week, so Pre-K does not have school, and next week is spring break, so he won't have school for two full weeks.
YEA is going, barely! That's only got a few more weeks too...2 months I think, then it's done. If I don't move on base and use my house for YEA, I'm not messing with it anymore. It's been a big hassle! They want us to have insurance as a group, I dunno what will come of that. Also, I got a report after everyone left that kids were racing strollers down the hall and slamming the terrarium doors, etc. Crimeny!
Well, I'm off to conferences. Updates to come: Will David get vacation so I can go to Arizona for the birth of my friend's baby in April? What shift will David be put on? Will I be approved for plastic surgery? (my appt is on Wednesday!!!)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Toni called back

Toni called back at 830pm last night. She said she forwarded my email to Maia's new family (who gave her permission to do that? Do they know my email address then? Why is the new family involved?) Toni said they get up early so she wasn't going to call at 830pm and bother them, but that she would call in the morning and speak with them. She's sure the "right thing will be done". Really? 'Cause it doesn't seem that way to me! Issues were suppose to be resolved before Maia left the house and they were, Maia and Toni agreed about payment and now they are renigging. Toni proceeds to tell me that I need to be fair about this, Maia has been uprooted and needs time to settle in. I said I felt like I had been fair all along. She said, "OK" in a very sarcastic tone. Apparently Toni has the flu with 105 fever and this has been quite the ordeal for her! WAAAA! It's been quite the ordeal for me and my family too! We've put up with this for 6 1/2 months! Carolina has put up with her for 6 1/2 months! Toni could care less about Carolina or me and my family! It's all about Maia! Now, the girl that Maia lives with is in a couple of Carolina's classes and on her soccer team...Carolina said, "So Maia is living with you now?" The girl replied, "Yeah, and she told me everything!" in a nasty tone, and has been not exactly nice to Carolina. What in the world is Maia telling these people. Maia told Carolina yesterday that the family is perfect and everything that we weren't! They eat healthy! I cook vegetables with every meal and we try to keep fresh fruit in the house as often as possible! Sometimes we do run out and it's a bit before I can get to the store, so there are lapses in fresh fruit for a couple days. The mom bought her a new pillow and sheets and trash can, she has her own room and it's huge! I bought her all new bedding and pillow and trash can and room decore when they came here too!!! They play games! Now, I admit, we don't play many games, I just don't have time, and my little ones still eat peices and toss stuff all over the place! By the time I get kids in bed, I have a kitchen and the rest of the house to clean. I just don't have time and that's a huge regret in life I have. Ben doesn't get the time he used too before the little ones came along! But, when Shanndon is in school and Christianna is napping, or weekends when they are both napping, I do try to play games with him. Maia and Carolina don't see that, cause they are at school or out with friends! They bought her bottled water, cause they're all athletes! I have a reverse osmosis system-buy a bottle and put the water in it! I didn't pay thousands of dollars to add "bottled water" to my home to turn around and have to buy the pre-bottled stuff! Maia told Toni, that she brought towels from Spain-no she didn't! She didn't hardly bring anything! She's bought everything here! She had no curfew here, when I did have a curfew, she broke it, so I said fine, do what you want! They had no chores! When I had chores for them, they didn't get done, so I said, I'll do it, forget it! They have no responsibilities here! I didn't ask them for anything, to do anything, etc. The one time I do ask to watch sleeping kids for one hour in an emergency situation, I can't rely on them!
No one understands the deal. Yes, my friends and us saw how life was, but no one else did. Toni only saw what she wanted, even tho we talked and talked about everything, she didn't give a rats butt about us. Face the World has never had contact with us. The regional director has never replied to my complaints! They all think everything was great and I just had a bad day and kicked Maia out. In actuality...the day this all went down, I was having a good day! Until I was told about the happenings while I was gone for 1 hour and 15 minutes!!!! Obviously, with all the talking about her selfishness and irresponsibility, it wasn't going to change. Now, man, I'm glad she's gone! I'm less stressed, Carolina is happier! The kids haven't even blinked an eye!!!! I feel like I can leave the house and if Carolina is here, the house won't be burnt down or trashed!
I wrote Face the World and am waiting for someone to contact me! If I were to ever do exchange program again, it would not be Face the World. Melanie (the French student that the girls hang out with) goes thru AFS. They have weekly contact with them, take thier students on trips, get all the local students together monthly, etc. We've barely heard from FTW! This is Toni's first year and she doesn't have a clue what she's doing or how to do anything! It's not her fault! She wasn't trained! I wasn't prepared either! I was told these were responsible girls, that I wouldn't have to do anything inconvienent. They just needed a bed and food! They'd find thier own rides for anything they wanted to do. They'd be self sufficient! Lies! All lies!
Well, that's today's update! I'm going with the family to the gym to do some workout classes. There is something wrong with our water softener, so between 3-330pm someone is coming out to look at that and then we have church tonight. We'll see if Toni calls, or FTW contacts me. Also, Ben's coach for soccer got deployed, so he has no coach...David and I wil now be coaching his soccer team and there's a game Saturday, so I have to call all the parents and arrange a practice before the game. Ahhhh, what fun!

Are you serious?

Toni, our community representative emailed me yesterday, saying that Maia will only pay for half the charger and nothing else. I replied and said that it wasn't fair to Carolina as Maia lost the original charger nad has now broken the replacement (which Carolina paid half for!), and I stated that Maia owes me for February's cell phone bill and should pay for March's bill, since the phone is currently not useable because of Maia. So today Toni emails back and says she'll pass that along to the family. I tried to call Toni, to explain that Maia agreed with all this and when would this get resolved as today is March 6th already! Sh's not answering her phone...I've left 3 messages and called 4 times.
Carolina came home and said that she talked to Maia and said it's not fair, she knows it's her fault and that she had agreed. Maia stated she had to do what she had to do, she's not paying and could Carolina bring her blue towels to school tomorrow. Those blue towels are my towels!!!!! Are you smoking crack? You want the bed and the sheets and the dresser too? You aren't taking anything!!!! You've taken enough from me! It's already going to cost me for a phone I don't use each month! Ugh!
I'm going to the YMCA for my class, then I'm coming home to write Face the World (our exchange program). This is ridiculous!

Calm after the storm

A friend wrote me this morning and said she'd read my blogs and it sounded like I was having a horrible week. Well, I had been. But, guess what!? It's been a great couple days!!!! Here's the update...
Maialen had 2 families to choose from right away (Saturday). One family was someone she was very close with. The parents are divorced. There are two teenage girls in the house, a grandmother and mother. Every other weekend the girls switch off visiting thier dad's house. From what Maia says, they have a small house and rooms and struggle with money. Maia is on the swim team with one of the girls and has lunch and is best friends with her as well. The other family has a mom and dad and 4 girls, three of which are teenagers and still at home. The one girl that Carolina knows and has a couple classes with is in the National Honor Society and plays Soccer. They have a huge house with big rooms. Maia has decided to live with the 2nd family. She told Carolina that the family was perfect! They are Catholic and attend church a lot and she'll have to do that, but, they have no curfew, no rules, etc. The only thing wrong now, is that my community representative emailed me and said that Maia shouldn't have to pay for the charger she lost for the cell phone! I'm mad about that, but I'm bucking it and we'll see what happens. I am at peace and happy with our decision and happy that Maia has found the "perfect" home. On Friday she had asked if she could still keep in contact and see the kids. I said yes, but I doubt she'll even look back. I don't think she'll visit before she leaves.
Things here have been so much calmer, lighter and happier.
Carolina has been out of her room, interacting with the family more. She's smiling all the time now. I moved her room around while she was at school, got Maia's bed out, she's happy to have so much room. Carolina brought me her soccer schedule and I wrote down all the games for the season. Hopefully, we'll get to see her play! Yesterday as Carolina was leaving for school, Shanndon said, "Mommy where's arolina going? I want to go with her! I love arolina" (Arolina, isn't that adorable!)
David goes to the Dr. today for his first surgical follow up appointment. He's off the "big" pain medicine and only doing Tylenol. He's been trying to be macho man...actually up and around and helping (probably over compensating for the fit I threw last week before his surgery). Even him just sitting with the kids in the living room with the gate up while I cook dinner is a huge help! Instead of me tripping over them and stepping on them while I'm moving around!
Ben has been so helpful too! He's helping daddy excercise his arm. Thursday night when I was dealing with the Maia stuff, David held up the kids' butts and Ben diapered them!!!! Shanndon woke up at 330am soaked from head to toe. But It helped when I needed it at 7pm!!!! LOL. Yesterday I stripped our bed, and started washing bedding, while I was at the eye doctor with Christianna, Ben emptied washer and dryer several times for daddy, and laundry got done!!!!
Shanndon is doing great with school. He's potty trained during the day, he says he's a big boy all the time. He's pottying at school, he gets on the bus with no problems, he comes home saying he wants to go back to school, and he comes home happy. He gets cranky (no naps), but they are going to bed at 7pm!!!!! We try to get him to rest before school as they are up at 630am. Also, he naps on the weekends and then we go swimming in the afternoon to tire them out.
Christianna is going thru this no nap phase!!!! If we can get her to sleep at all, it's usually 30 minutes at best. That's annoying! She's cranky! She's tired! But won't sleep! She's talking a bit more. Says-mommy, daddy, hi, bye, Sky, puppy, and no! She'll also repeat things, but it's usually a one time thing. I was concerned about "lazy eye", the eye doctor said the bridge of her nose is wider on one side, so it gives the appearance of lazy eye. He wants to see her back in one year just be be 100% sure.
I have been excercising. Tonight I start a "Basics to Fitness" class on Tuesday night with Stephanie at the south YMCA. Wednesday I start "Basics to Cycling" and then Friday I start "Basics to Pilates" and "Basics to Yoga", they are all mornings at the west YMCA. Other then that, on Sunday's I've been going Hip Hop Hustle and Pump. I've done several Pump classes, and Steph and I did cardio on the treadmill the other day. It's not a big fitnes kick, I'm not watching what I'm eating. Just trying to gain core strength and relieve some stress. It's nice doing stuff for myself. Saturday and Sunday I put the kids in Kid Zone at the YMCA, Ben goes swimming or works out, or goes to teh game area. Then I take the kids swimming afterward, so there's a reward in it for them too! It's been fun, and exciting. Carolina is doing the Sunday stuff with Steph and I as well, so it's a "friends and family" thing.
Well, I gotta hop in the shower and get ready for YEA, then get Shanndon to school and David to the Dr. Tonight it my fitness class!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Uheaval in our home

330pm (shortly after we brought David home from the hospital) Carolina came home from school. She wasn't really feeling well and skipped soccer practice. She proceeds to tell me that Maialen had her music on loud after we left to go to the hospital and she put her ear buds on to listen to her music. When she took her ear buds off, Christianna was screaming bloody murder at her door!!!! Carolina said, "Maia, Christianna's crying!" Maia said, "Oh". Carolina went to take care of Christianna and Maia stayed in her room! While taking care of Christianna, Carolina found that the dogs had pooped in the kitchen and she told Maia to put the dogs in the kennel. Carolina got Christianna back to sleep and they were both done about the same time and they started thinking about how to clean up the mess (neither of the girls have experience with animals). Maia didn't know what to do because there was no paper towel in the kitchen. Carolina went and got paper towel from the bathroom (Shanndon is potty training, so there has been cleaner and paper towel in the bathroom for a week!). Maia didn't want to touch anything, so Carolina cleaned up the mess.
I was livid over hearing all this, but mostly, that Christianna was neglected! Here she is thrown with a babysitter for half the day, dealing with daddy having this big arm contraption, and chaos in the house and then she's left to scream bloody murder for a half hour! I scolded Carolina for having her ear buds on when I left them BOTH to watch the 3 sleeping kids in this emergency situation. She was upset, but understood what I was upset about and apologized! This is not the first time Maia has been spoken to about having her music up loud while the kids are sleeping. She has a computer that plays CDs, she has expensive ear buds, she has the most expensive IPOD! USE THEM!!!! The girls share a wall with the kids!
I called Toni (our community representative) and said I can't handle Maia's irresponsibility and selfishness any longer and that I needed her to leave my house! She called her boss to see what to do. Maia got home about 610pm and I started to talk to her. Toni called me back at 615pm and said that she needed to meet with us and try to mediate the situation, so we arranged for Toni to pick up Maia Friday night at 530pm from swimming practice and then come and talk with us. I get off the phone with Toni and continue to talk to Maia.
In my opinion, Maia didn't care about anything I had to say. Her excuse for not hearing Christianna was that she was emailing her parents and was just in her own world. When I talked to her about the not helping clean up the dog poop (when she's the one that wanted to "play with the dogs" while we were gone) was that she didn't know what to do and she didn't want to get her hands icky. When I told her about the playing the music loud and how we've talked to her about it several times, she said she didn't realize it was a problem. Monday, when I talked to her about wasting my and the personal trainers time for 15 minutes on Monday, her reply was, "oh yeah, we ran into April and got to talking". Her response to things was, "I live in a happy world, my life is just happiness, I try to please everyone and I do my best! I'm sorry for everything." We have a household of 7 people, NOT ONE!!!! After what I felt was wasting my time talking to Maia about our issues, I was then confident, that I could not live like this any longer. My decision to have her find a new home was solidified. Maia would stay the night and we'd have our meeting the next night.
Toni and Maia came about 7pm, we put the kids to bed while Toni spoke with Carolina privately and then met as a family. Toni started out by asking, "has anything changed since yesterday?" My response was, "after speaking with Maia the last night and getting nothing but excuses, I was now confident in my decision that she needed to leave our house." So Maia stayed the night, and packed her luggage this morning. She's going to spend the night at her friends house tonight, as they are going to the ROTC ball and then tomorrow Toni will come pick up Maia and her luggage and she'll spend the night at Toni's and then she'll go to her new home.
Toni called today, Maia has a choice of two families to go to. They will meet Sunday afternoon with the famlies and Maia will decide.
I spoke with Carolina about her feelings. She realizes it is our house and our decision. She understands everything I have to say about the situation and see postives with it. She's at peace with it and it's done.
I feel completely guilty, sad, and like a complete failure! However, I think I'm at peace with it and in all honesty, I'm relieved!!!

David admitted to the hospital

At the end of the last blog, I said David had been admitted to the hospital, so here's what happened.
David was given a Morphine shot about 1030pm, when I was talking to him on the phone at 1230am, the pain was still 9/10 and he said the Morphine didn't even take the edge off. I told him to tell the nurse. He called the nurse and told her and she said she didn't know what to do, that's what the Dr prescribed for him and he was just given it 2 hours earlier, so there was nothing they could do anyway, she'd contact the Dr and see what he wanted to do. When I talked to him in the morning, about 730am, they'd given him another Morphine shot and AGAIN, it did nothing! They wanted him to eat breakfast and then try pills, Percocet. UH NO! That's what made him sick to begin with!!! Instead they tried Lortab. It worked! Woohoo! About 1230pm, after lunch, they upped the dose and it worked and he didn't get sick! WOOHOO! He could come home!
Stephanie had taken Ben with her to the zoo that morning. If we weren't home when they were done, she'd just take him to her house. I got Shanndon on the bus to school and had brought Chrisitanna in to get her shoes on to go get daddy, and in walk Steph and Ben. Ben wanted to see his daddy! I loaded the kids and off we went to get daddy!
We got home about 3pm. He was doing sooooooooooo much better! Looked sooo much better and was even moving better! Even though it was his first ever hospital stay and he was away from his family. I think it was the right decision and it did him a world of good.

David's surgery (long)

While in the desert, David told me his shoulder hurt and he was thinking of going to see the doctor. So he did. The doctor said he thought it might be something and asked if he wanted to be put on profile (which is restricitions at work-to which he said no). He ended up going back a week later and getting a cortisone shot. He was in so much pain when we returned home, he ended up going to the doctor and getting referred to an orthopedist.
The doctor here sent him for an MRI. The MRI showed "something", but they couldn't tell what. So he scheduled exploratory surgery. If they got in and found this tear that it may be, they'd repair it.
February 27, 2008 was David's surgery.
We woke up at 630am. At 730am, we left to take the kids over to Diana's to be babysat. Ben was ecstatic about this, since we haven't seen Diana and her kids for quite a while. The kids did well when we left. Even though it's been a while since they've been babysat. We headed on our way to the surgery center and there was a 5 car pile up on the ramp to and from the highway we needed . We ended up being a little late. We were suppose to check in at 830am and we got in there at 840am. So, we get check in and sugery was scheduled for 10am.
So, right on schedule. I get sent out to the lobby at nearly 10an. I called David's dad, Paul, to let him know he was ready to start surgery. Then called Diana to check on the kids. The kids were doing great!
Approximately 1130am I was paged to the receptionist desk. The doctor proceeded to inform me of everything. David had had surgery on his right shoulder. The doctor found that the muscle had torn away from the bone, so he reparied that. He also found a bone spur and removed that. I informed the doctor that I had to leave and take Shanndon to school. So he told me to just sign out and there'd be no problems. So I called Paul to tell him everything, then Diana to inform her of the "plan". I packed up everything and then signed out about 12 noon. I planned to be back by 2pm.
I drove down to the base to drop off the percocet that was prescribed. I left the pharmacy empty handed (apparently they don't carry this dosage) at 1250pm I headed to Diana's. I called her to let her know, so she could be ready and prepare Ben. Instead of keeping the kids there, driving back, then driving back again, yada yada, I was picking up all 3 kids, driving Shanndon to school and then taking the other two with to get daddy. So we did just that. I went to drop Shanndon off and he was upset that he didn't get to ride the bus! Then he was upset when we entered the classroom cause he wanted to come with me to get daddy. Shanndon was in underwear...did great at Diana's and even slept and stayed dry! So the teacher's aide calmed Shanndon down (I waited outside til he was calmed down), and took Shanndon potty. He did it!!!! Shanndon pottied for the first time at school! Did it twice that day an came home in the same clothes! So, I left.
I stopped by Walgreen's to drop off the prescription and there were 8 cars lined up, so I left. I hadn't eaten all day and it was nearly 2pm, so I stopped at McDonalds and got a little meal for me. Then we drove to the other side of town to get David. We got to the surgical center and headed back to his recovery room. David (being out of surgery for 3 hours) was still groggy and having a hard time waking up! David took longer to "come around" then anticipated. He should have been ready to go by 1pm, we didn't get to leave til 3pm.
On a scale of 1-10 for pain, when we left the surgery center, David's pain was an 8! We went to Walgreens and dropped off his prescription. They said one and half hours to fill the script, so I gave him a pill I had left over and he laid down and slept.
420pm, Shanndon got home. He wanted to see daddy. So we came in the bedroom (David was sleeping), Shanndon was very scared. He wouldn't go near David.
5pm, I loaded the kids, and left David sleeping. I went and got bread at the bread store, picked up David's prescription (had to wait even tho it was 2.5 hours later!), went to Dillions and got WIC, then went to Sonic for dinner. I called David, he wasn't hungry and he was up for going to church. So I got home about 640pm, David said his pain was a 9/10. I said, "you're not going to church, take your medicine, go back to bed". I left for church. 840pm we returned home from church and the girls also came home from thier church. David was up, the kids were cranky. They were not handling David's sling well at all. David tells me that he ate crackers and took his percocet and threw up. He even took phenergan (anitnausea) and it didn't help! His pain was still a 9/10! It was chaos with kids at this point. I gathered Christianna's PJS and diaper, laid her down to change her and Carolina asked if she could help and what I needed to do. I needed to get Shanndon pj'd and Christianna down, call the DR, etc. So I gather Shanndon's Pjs and diaper, put them on the couch, gathered and filled sippy cups, and blankets and told Shanndon to get naked and ready for bed. Then I put Christianna down to bed. Carolina was talking with Shanndon, helping him get changed. Ben was getting ready for bed, helping take care of dogs, I called the Drs office and they paged him. Things are callming down, it's about 930pm and the Dr. calls back. He felt David needed to be admitted to the hospital for pain managment and to be rehydrated. I get Shanndon and Ben down to bed, David gets ready, I talked to Maialen and Carolina and told them I need them to watch the kids (who were sleeping). I was just going to drive the 25 minutes there, get David settled in and drive back. The dogs would normally be kenneled while were gone, but the girls said we could leave them out and they play with them and watch them, then put them in the kennel before they went to bed. We left at 10pm.
We got to the surgical center, they were ready for us, I stayed about 20 minutes. David got a Morphine shot about 1030pm, they hooked him up to IV with fast drip to hydrate him. I got home about 1115pm. When I got home, Maialen was up and said the dogs pooped in the kitchen, they kenneeled them and fed and watered them, then cleaned up. I told her Thank you and headed to bed. Well, I ended up putting stuff in dryer, starting washer, cleaning the kitchen table, and vacuuming the laundry room. I then checked email and tried to blog and was too tired!
I set the alarm for 7am, as Shanndon had speech therapy at 9am, and headed to bed.