Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Toni called back

Toni called back at 830pm last night. She said she forwarded my email to Maia's new family (who gave her permission to do that? Do they know my email address then? Why is the new family involved?) Toni said they get up early so she wasn't going to call at 830pm and bother them, but that she would call in the morning and speak with them. She's sure the "right thing will be done". Really? 'Cause it doesn't seem that way to me! Issues were suppose to be resolved before Maia left the house and they were, Maia and Toni agreed about payment and now they are renigging. Toni proceeds to tell me that I need to be fair about this, Maia has been uprooted and needs time to settle in. I said I felt like I had been fair all along. She said, "OK" in a very sarcastic tone. Apparently Toni has the flu with 105 fever and this has been quite the ordeal for her! WAAAA! It's been quite the ordeal for me and my family too! We've put up with this for 6 1/2 months! Carolina has put up with her for 6 1/2 months! Toni could care less about Carolina or me and my family! It's all about Maia! Now, the girl that Maia lives with is in a couple of Carolina's classes and on her soccer team...Carolina said, "So Maia is living with you now?" The girl replied, "Yeah, and she told me everything!" in a nasty tone, and has been not exactly nice to Carolina. What in the world is Maia telling these people. Maia told Carolina yesterday that the family is perfect and everything that we weren't! They eat healthy! I cook vegetables with every meal and we try to keep fresh fruit in the house as often as possible! Sometimes we do run out and it's a bit before I can get to the store, so there are lapses in fresh fruit for a couple days. The mom bought her a new pillow and sheets and trash can, she has her own room and it's huge! I bought her all new bedding and pillow and trash can and room decore when they came here too!!! They play games! Now, I admit, we don't play many games, I just don't have time, and my little ones still eat peices and toss stuff all over the place! By the time I get kids in bed, I have a kitchen and the rest of the house to clean. I just don't have time and that's a huge regret in life I have. Ben doesn't get the time he used too before the little ones came along! But, when Shanndon is in school and Christianna is napping, or weekends when they are both napping, I do try to play games with him. Maia and Carolina don't see that, cause they are at school or out with friends! They bought her bottled water, cause they're all athletes! I have a reverse osmosis system-buy a bottle and put the water in it! I didn't pay thousands of dollars to add "bottled water" to my home to turn around and have to buy the pre-bottled stuff! Maia told Toni, that she brought towels from Spain-no she didn't! She didn't hardly bring anything! She's bought everything here! She had no curfew here, when I did have a curfew, she broke it, so I said fine, do what you want! They had no chores! When I had chores for them, they didn't get done, so I said, I'll do it, forget it! They have no responsibilities here! I didn't ask them for anything, to do anything, etc. The one time I do ask to watch sleeping kids for one hour in an emergency situation, I can't rely on them!
No one understands the deal. Yes, my friends and us saw how life was, but no one else did. Toni only saw what she wanted, even tho we talked and talked about everything, she didn't give a rats butt about us. Face the World has never had contact with us. The regional director has never replied to my complaints! They all think everything was great and I just had a bad day and kicked Maia out. In actuality...the day this all went down, I was having a good day! Until I was told about the happenings while I was gone for 1 hour and 15 minutes!!!! Obviously, with all the talking about her selfishness and irresponsibility, it wasn't going to change. Now, man, I'm glad she's gone! I'm less stressed, Carolina is happier! The kids haven't even blinked an eye!!!! I feel like I can leave the house and if Carolina is here, the house won't be burnt down or trashed!
I wrote Face the World and am waiting for someone to contact me! If I were to ever do exchange program again, it would not be Face the World. Melanie (the French student that the girls hang out with) goes thru AFS. They have weekly contact with them, take thier students on trips, get all the local students together monthly, etc. We've barely heard from FTW! This is Toni's first year and she doesn't have a clue what she's doing or how to do anything! It's not her fault! She wasn't trained! I wasn't prepared either! I was told these were responsible girls, that I wouldn't have to do anything inconvienent. They just needed a bed and food! They'd find thier own rides for anything they wanted to do. They'd be self sufficient! Lies! All lies!
Well, that's today's update! I'm going with the family to the gym to do some workout classes. There is something wrong with our water softener, so between 3-330pm someone is coming out to look at that and then we have church tonight. We'll see if Toni calls, or FTW contacts me. Also, Ben's coach for soccer got deployed, so he has no coach...David and I wil now be coaching his soccer team and there's a game Saturday, so I have to call all the parents and arrange a practice before the game. Ahhhh, what fun!