Thursday, March 13, 2008

Not as hopeful as I hoped

David asked about vacation on Monday. The boss said he doesn’t see a problem, so I guess I’m going to Arizona!!! My friend Jennifer is due to have her 4th baby (April 12th give or take, lol). She had the first two in the hospital, and then I got to be there for her 3rd. She had him in a birthing center. Ben and her oldest got to splash in the water as she labored, her hubby was in the water and I was at her head fanning her, wiping her sweat, etc. It was beautiful! This one, she’s having at home!!!!! I am so excited! I’m scared to death to leave David home alone with the kids for so long, but the plan as of this moment is to take Christianna. Hopefully it won’t be too bad for him then. Carolina will be here too, in the evening and weekends when not at games and with friends. I haven’t booked the flight yet, but the plan is to go April 5-19th. I need a break right now from things anyway!
March 12th was my 4 year anniversary of having Gastric Bypass surgery. I have lost 200 lbs. I got pregnant 2 months after gastric bypass and then again 7 months after that pregnancy. I had to be a stable weight for one year in order to get a referral form my insurance to see a plastic surgeon about removing my excess skin. Well, Christianna is 19 months old, so I’ve been stable for 19 months!!! Coincidentally, the insurance made my plastic surgeon appointment on my 4 yr anniversary! I filled out a bunch of paperwork, talked to the Dr about procedures, and the liklihood of insurance paying. He said we MAY be able to get some of the skin removed, but they most likely wouldn’t pay for the arms, legs, or lower body lift! :( They are sending off the documentation and pictures (yeppers pictures!!!!) to insurance and we should hear back in 2-4 weeks about what they will or won’t pay for. Please think postitive thoughts and pray for a great decision for me. I really really want a lower body lift, legs, and arms (and breasts too).
That’s the update for now. Off to start another busy day. Speech, Asthma Dr., park and MAYBE workout tonight.