Monday, March 10, 2008

First week of March

As of this past Tuesday, David and I became coaches of Benjamin's soccer team. We arranged and held practice on Friday afternoon and we turned in our paper work on Saturday. David got his "coach's bag" and while me and the kids were at hte YMCA, he coached his first soccer game!!! The parents have been very nice and cooperative and grateful. One kid dropped out and went to a different league and another kid we can't get in contact with and we think he won't be back. So, we have a team of 6. You need 5 to play. Saturday afternoon when we all got home, ate and got kids down for a nap, David was showing me all the stuff in his coach's bag. I had him write down at the game who played what position and when, so I organized all the paperwork, made a notebook of stuff and made up a playlist for the next 3 games (which boy plays what position in each quarter and who sits out, etc.). The kids then woke up and we kinda just hung out the rest of the day. David and I are kinda excited. I don't think we'll ever go thru this league again, but so that we could finish out the season and Ben could play, we had to step up and we're making it work. I did all the arranging, talking with parents, snack schedule, playlist, etc. David played with the kids. That's what we do!!!! A friend was worried about it being one more thing for me to do. She's right, I keep adding to my plate,'s only 2 months. I refuse to let it interfere too much with the rest of our lives. I will still do my morning YMCA work outs, they just may need to be altered a tad bit depending on the game schedule.
David went back to work today. He will have to probably be on mids or swings (not days). We talked about it, I originally thought that mids would suck, but he made some good points. If hes on mids, he'd just go to bed when he got home. We are out of the house a lot, so it shouldn't be too bad as far as noise, although he will have to get used to it. If he's on mids, he can still do Royal Rangers and soccer practice and go with to the YMCA in the evenings, have dinner with the family, help with baths and get kids to bed, etc. I'd mss him tho :( It's lonely sleeping by yourself!
I bought Carol a replacement charger yesterday. Her cell phone is now up and running and she even talked to her mom yesterday on it. I have just written it off as a loss and moved on. I can say "it's done".
Shanndon's school has parent/teacher conferences this week, so Pre-K does not have school, and next week is spring break, so he won't have school for two full weeks.
YEA is going, barely! That's only got a few more weeks too...2 months I think, then it's done. If I don't move on base and use my house for YEA, I'm not messing with it anymore. It's been a big hassle! They want us to have insurance as a group, I dunno what will come of that. Also, I got a report after everyone left that kids were racing strollers down the hall and slamming the terrarium doors, etc. Crimeny!
Well, I'm off to conferences. Updates to come: Will David get vacation so I can go to Arizona for the birth of my friend's baby in April? What shift will David be put on? Will I be approved for plastic surgery? (my appt is on Wednesday!!!)