Saturday, March 29, 2008

Whoopie Cushion

Whoopie Cushion Current mood: blessed Category: Life
Alright, so you gotta know that this is funny with having the title Whoopie Cushion! I have two boys and a very childlike hubby, a whoopie cushion around the house is not a suprise. At least it seems perfectly normal to me. I got both boys whoopie cushions for Christmas in thier stockings. Ben’s ended up getting popped, so we’re down to one in the house right now. Being is we only have one, it comes and goes-lost and found, ya know. Well, it’s been found!!!! This time, it’s been found by the 19 month old GIRL! SHE LOVES IT!!!! She doesn’t talk yet, but she moans and gestures and pushes it at me for me to blow it. So, not thinking she’d know what to do with it, I blew it up...she did it! She turned around, put it on the floor, sat on it and proceeded to laugh hysterically!!!!!! It was so funny! She’s now been doing this for 2 days constantly! Shanndon is interested in it too, so we’re working on taking turns, I blow it up, Shanndon sits on it and gives it back, then I blow it up and Christianna does it. They share and take turns so nicely! The house is roaring in laughter! It is so funny and cute to watch two little kids playing with a whoopie cushion!!! And Christianna’s laugh, is so sincere and cute and deep! I’m sorry, just had to share.