Saturday, March 1, 2008

David admitted to the hospital

At the end of the last blog, I said David had been admitted to the hospital, so here's what happened.
David was given a Morphine shot about 1030pm, when I was talking to him on the phone at 1230am, the pain was still 9/10 and he said the Morphine didn't even take the edge off. I told him to tell the nurse. He called the nurse and told her and she said she didn't know what to do, that's what the Dr prescribed for him and he was just given it 2 hours earlier, so there was nothing they could do anyway, she'd contact the Dr and see what he wanted to do. When I talked to him in the morning, about 730am, they'd given him another Morphine shot and AGAIN, it did nothing! They wanted him to eat breakfast and then try pills, Percocet. UH NO! That's what made him sick to begin with!!! Instead they tried Lortab. It worked! Woohoo! About 1230pm, after lunch, they upped the dose and it worked and he didn't get sick! WOOHOO! He could come home!
Stephanie had taken Ben with her to the zoo that morning. If we weren't home when they were done, she'd just take him to her house. I got Shanndon on the bus to school and had brought Chrisitanna in to get her shoes on to go get daddy, and in walk Steph and Ben. Ben wanted to see his daddy! I loaded the kids and off we went to get daddy!
We got home about 3pm. He was doing sooooooooooo much better! Looked sooo much better and was even moving better! Even though it was his first ever hospital stay and he was away from his family. I think it was the right decision and it did him a world of good.