Saturday, March 1, 2008

David's surgery (long)

While in the desert, David told me his shoulder hurt and he was thinking of going to see the doctor. So he did. The doctor said he thought it might be something and asked if he wanted to be put on profile (which is restricitions at work-to which he said no). He ended up going back a week later and getting a cortisone shot. He was in so much pain when we returned home, he ended up going to the doctor and getting referred to an orthopedist.
The doctor here sent him for an MRI. The MRI showed "something", but they couldn't tell what. So he scheduled exploratory surgery. If they got in and found this tear that it may be, they'd repair it.
February 27, 2008 was David's surgery.
We woke up at 630am. At 730am, we left to take the kids over to Diana's to be babysat. Ben was ecstatic about this, since we haven't seen Diana and her kids for quite a while. The kids did well when we left. Even though it's been a while since they've been babysat. We headed on our way to the surgery center and there was a 5 car pile up on the ramp to and from the highway we needed . We ended up being a little late. We were suppose to check in at 830am and we got in there at 840am. So, we get check in and sugery was scheduled for 10am.
So, right on schedule. I get sent out to the lobby at nearly 10an. I called David's dad, Paul, to let him know he was ready to start surgery. Then called Diana to check on the kids. The kids were doing great!
Approximately 1130am I was paged to the receptionist desk. The doctor proceeded to inform me of everything. David had had surgery on his right shoulder. The doctor found that the muscle had torn away from the bone, so he reparied that. He also found a bone spur and removed that. I informed the doctor that I had to leave and take Shanndon to school. So he told me to just sign out and there'd be no problems. So I called Paul to tell him everything, then Diana to inform her of the "plan". I packed up everything and then signed out about 12 noon. I planned to be back by 2pm.
I drove down to the base to drop off the percocet that was prescribed. I left the pharmacy empty handed (apparently they don't carry this dosage) at 1250pm I headed to Diana's. I called her to let her know, so she could be ready and prepare Ben. Instead of keeping the kids there, driving back, then driving back again, yada yada, I was picking up all 3 kids, driving Shanndon to school and then taking the other two with to get daddy. So we did just that. I went to drop Shanndon off and he was upset that he didn't get to ride the bus! Then he was upset when we entered the classroom cause he wanted to come with me to get daddy. Shanndon was in underwear...did great at Diana's and even slept and stayed dry! So the teacher's aide calmed Shanndon down (I waited outside til he was calmed down), and took Shanndon potty. He did it!!!! Shanndon pottied for the first time at school! Did it twice that day an came home in the same clothes! So, I left.
I stopped by Walgreen's to drop off the prescription and there were 8 cars lined up, so I left. I hadn't eaten all day and it was nearly 2pm, so I stopped at McDonalds and got a little meal for me. Then we drove to the other side of town to get David. We got to the surgical center and headed back to his recovery room. David (being out of surgery for 3 hours) was still groggy and having a hard time waking up! David took longer to "come around" then anticipated. He should have been ready to go by 1pm, we didn't get to leave til 3pm.
On a scale of 1-10 for pain, when we left the surgery center, David's pain was an 8! We went to Walgreens and dropped off his prescription. They said one and half hours to fill the script, so I gave him a pill I had left over and he laid down and slept.
420pm, Shanndon got home. He wanted to see daddy. So we came in the bedroom (David was sleeping), Shanndon was very scared. He wouldn't go near David.
5pm, I loaded the kids, and left David sleeping. I went and got bread at the bread store, picked up David's prescription (had to wait even tho it was 2.5 hours later!), went to Dillions and got WIC, then went to Sonic for dinner. I called David, he wasn't hungry and he was up for going to church. So I got home about 640pm, David said his pain was a 9/10. I said, "you're not going to church, take your medicine, go back to bed". I left for church. 840pm we returned home from church and the girls also came home from thier church. David was up, the kids were cranky. They were not handling David's sling well at all. David tells me that he ate crackers and took his percocet and threw up. He even took phenergan (anitnausea) and it didn't help! His pain was still a 9/10! It was chaos with kids at this point. I gathered Christianna's PJS and diaper, laid her down to change her and Carolina asked if she could help and what I needed to do. I needed to get Shanndon pj'd and Christianna down, call the DR, etc. So I gather Shanndon's Pjs and diaper, put them on the couch, gathered and filled sippy cups, and blankets and told Shanndon to get naked and ready for bed. Then I put Christianna down to bed. Carolina was talking with Shanndon, helping him get changed. Ben was getting ready for bed, helping take care of dogs, I called the Drs office and they paged him. Things are callming down, it's about 930pm and the Dr. calls back. He felt David needed to be admitted to the hospital for pain managment and to be rehydrated. I get Shanndon and Ben down to bed, David gets ready, I talked to Maialen and Carolina and told them I need them to watch the kids (who were sleeping). I was just going to drive the 25 minutes there, get David settled in and drive back. The dogs would normally be kenneled while were gone, but the girls said we could leave them out and they play with them and watch them, then put them in the kennel before they went to bed. We left at 10pm.
We got to the surgical center, they were ready for us, I stayed about 20 minutes. David got a Morphine shot about 1030pm, they hooked him up to IV with fast drip to hydrate him. I got home about 1115pm. When I got home, Maialen was up and said the dogs pooped in the kitchen, they kenneeled them and fed and watered them, then cleaned up. I told her Thank you and headed to bed. Well, I ended up putting stuff in dryer, starting washer, cleaning the kitchen table, and vacuuming the laundry room. I then checked email and tried to blog and was too tired!
I set the alarm for 7am, as Shanndon had speech therapy at 9am, and headed to bed.