Monday, December 22, 2008

5 week post surgical update

Well it's now been 5 weeks since surgery. I went to the Dr. last Wednesday and my next appt. is Dec. 31. Things are going well in the healing department according to the DR. I now have this "body shaper" thing to wear 24/7 (except showering) and it's horrible (what else is new-everything is horrible at this point!). It's this undergarment that goes from my knees to my chest bone to "hold me together". Dude I can't breath in this thing. I'm suppose to wear it for 6 weeks. I haven't been wearing it at night because it suffocates me tho and I've literally hyperventilatled! There is still lots of swelling, but not enough to render him excavating it with a needle, so that was a good thing. Everyday I get better and faster moving. I'm trying to do what I can. The pain from David crashing us into a curb is gone, so that's a plus. Hives are gone...another plus. I am hoping that by the 8 week mark, I am truly "back to normal", although at this point I can't imagine it. Different "pains" and sensations come up each day or so. I've told David that this was the worst decision I've ever made in my life and that I don't know if I can go thru with the other surgeries. He's been very supportive and encouraging...saying that this was a big one and it'll be better once I look back and how the others aren't as bad...but in the moment...that's how I feel. I've told the people that "envy me" or are saying I'm lucky and want to do it for themselves...Don't do it! Take it for what it's worth from the patient only 5 weeks out, but...I think had I REALLY known what it would take and cost and the pain I'm in...I'd have kept the dang skin!!!!!!!!!!!! At 5 weeks, it doesn't feel worth it. I'll keep you updated on if that changes! LOL You think you "know what to expect" before hand-I've seen the TV shows, I've done the research. I knew this was the worst thing I'd ever go thru, I thought I could handle it...I was wrong! I'm a wuss! David has been so supportive and patient and dilligent. The kids have been amazing! I am a one proud wife and momma!!!!

My brother in law (Chris) and sister in law (Bonnie) and thier kids are moving from Montana to Texas. They were suppose to get here Saturday afternoon and leave Sunday afternoon. They were going to take Ben and David to Texas with them to help them move. Plans changed. They did about 25 MPH all thru Montana as they hit bad weather and then the next day hit rush hour in Denver. On Sunday...5 miles from our house...they were driving down Kellogg and a car right in front of them doing 70 MPH crashed into a pole and exploded, killing 3 people. That was it, they couldn't go on any longer. Bonnie was hysterical...the 3 kids saw it happen as well. They pulled a charred burning body out into the street in front of them! Chris brought the two little ones that were in the van with him, to our house and picked up David and then went back to get Sam and Bonnie who were driving the UHAUL. David ended up driving the van back here with Sam, while Chris and Bonnie stayed all afternoon answering questions and dealing with "trauma counselors". They spent the night and left this morning. David and Chris will go to FT. Worth and sign for thier house, get keys and unload the truck and drive back home tonight or tomorrow morning. Bonnie will stay and take the kids to her parents. Chris will stay here til Wednesday afternoon (Christmas Eve) and head home in time for Christmas Eve dinner. Ben is staying home with me. :( poor guy. Chris and the kids (and maybe Bonnie) will come back up about Jan. 2 for a couple days before Chris' school starts. Now that they're only 6 hours away, we'll be able to see them more. Craziness here!

Thank you all for such love, support, kind words and prayers and thoughts. They are so appreciated! I can't even express how truly grateful I am for everything!