Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tuesday December 23, 2008

Chris and David arrived home about 130am, we all went to bed about 2am. Chris wakes up this morning and comes in and announces to me that he and David are going to take the boys out and wash his car and get a windshield wiper. David woke up a it later, he had no idea. He suggested taking Christianna with, but I didn't think all 3 kids would fit in Chris' little car. Then he suggested we all go with our van too, but, I was really hurting and didn't want to leave the house. So, then later they were talking about this errand they were going to run and Chris asks about other "things" to do in town..."we have all afteroon right?" he asks. UH...NO! I was up all day Sunday and Monday and I'm hurting. While Christianna is napping, instead of laying down to recover, I'll have to get into the basement to find gifts for the family and get dinner started. I got attitude with David, I was annoyed that he let Chris think they had all afternoon, and wasn't considering that I've been up hosting his family and caring for the kids alone for the last 3 days. He said, "no we'll just run errands and make it quick". I said, "yeah right". (David just follows around and goes with whatever anyone tells him). Sure enough...they did the sight seeing and visiting David's work. I fought with Christianna for a long time to nap, so I didn't get to rest or anything. One she got to sleep, I went to the basement. I got back upstairs and laid everything out and supplies for wrapping, started dinner, and then the guys got home about 10 minutes later. David got the extras together for dinner and I laid down. After dinner we hung out watching TV and chatting, playing with the kids, debating politics, etc. It was a nice visit. So weird to have someone in the house with an opinion and views and thoughts! Chris is in bed by 10pm at home, so we all went to bed early. His plan is to leave after lunch on Christmas Eve, so he'll be home with the family. David's dad, Paul, is visiting his ex-stepdaughter (David's ex-stepsister) in Dallas and is planning to be here after lunch time. Chris and Dad are astranged, so they'll literally pass each other in the wind. So sad. It would be nice if Chris stayed and gave Dad a hug. But alas, he's not ready.
Other then the little annoyance over Chris just deciding and doing, it was a nice visit. David has really enjoyed spending time with his brother. And it's nice to see Chris appreciating his brother and seeing waht a great dad he is. Chris and Bonnie are very strict, scheduled people and we AREN'T! While our lifestyle drives them nuts, but they have said they see things they can learn from us. Also, we found out that they have, after 7 years of questioning us, not approving, etc...are in fact, going to HOMESCHOOL thier children!!! And they will have lots of questions and need advice...I'm not sure I'm the one they need to ask or if I qualify as the "expert", but I will try to find out info they need and want, none the less. We'll see how that goes!