Friday, January 25, 2008

It's been a coupe of days...

It's been a couple days since I blogged. Really there hasn't been much going on, so really not much to say.
Tuesday night, David and I worked on the office and made good progress-you can walk in there and you can see the floor! Lots of garbage thrown away too.
Wednesday we just hung out around the house. I clipped coupons, organized, sorted, etc. About 4pm, I asked David if he wanted to go out. He looked bored. So, I hopped in the shower and got ready. About 5pm we went grocery shopping to Dillons. After Dillons card and coupons, I saved $63!!!! I'm sure that sounds silly, but it is huge excitement for me! Makes me feel like all that clipping, sorting and organzing all day was worth it. I still have to go to Walmart for non-food items. After the store, we ran to McDonalds for dinner and then went to church. There was a business meeting after church and then we hung out with our friends for a bit. So we got home about 915pm and put kiddos to bed.
The kids are still sick. No fevers, but coughing and nasty noses. I'm so sick of the cold! I'm tired of spending 15 minutes dressing everyone and bundling everyone before we can go outside. I'm sick of looking for missing gloves and pairing gloves, coats and hats and scarves, etc. strewn all over the place and having to worry about putting them up, etc. David was thinking we'll be here forever, retiring here, etc. I can't imagine living in this cold another day, let alone another 50 years. Maybe I can convince him to move to Arizona? LOL. (I'd prefer California, but he hates California; and I hate Texas!)
Thursday, I made David drag all 3 kids to Shanndon's speech therapy (last week too)-hey, I do it every week, he can handle it for two weeks! They got home about 1030am. It was David's last day off before heading back to work. He let me rest and played with the kids in the living room and Ben's room and then got them lunch. I laid with Shanndon til he fell asleep for his nap, then I got up and we cleaned house and got ready for Shanndon's IEP meeting. 145pm everyone arrived for Shanndon's IEP meeting.
An IEP is an Individual Education Plan. He is currently going to speech therapy at Wesley Hospital on Thursdays and until yesterday, was being seen by Rainbows United for speech therapy and behavioral issues. So, he'll be 3 on Februaty 17th. When about to turn 3, they test him and see if he's eligable for any programs. He is. He qualifies in 4 out of 6 areas for "Developmental Delay" services. So, he will attend a pre-K classroom in the USD 259 school system. In about a week, we'll get a letter saying "welcome" and it'll tell us the name of the school. At that time we will go to the school and enroll Shanndon. We'll then find out what class he'll be in and the times (morning or afternoon). He'll be taking the bus as well. This is a whole new experience for me, needless to say, I'm very nerveous. I homeschool Benjamin and he's never been in the public school system. I told them, though, if there is anything I don't like, I'm going to throw a fit. Shanndon is a totally different kid from Ben. They are complete opposites. So while I don't think public school is the right choice and fit for Ben and I don't think he'd do well or thrive in that environment, I do feel it will be good for Shanndon. I'm very torn and sad too.
Thursday afternoon, I told David I was going to lay down, that I didn't feel well. I felt a bit scratchy in the throat and feverish. He took my temp and it was 100.2 degrees. So, he gave me Tylenol and I took a little nap. Even with a late afternoon nap, the whole house was in bed and asleep by 9pm. Maialen and Carolina woke up with icky tummies and Carolina stayed home from school.
I woke up feeling fine this AM. The only thing is I still feel a bit scratchy in the throat. The kids are now down for a nap and I need to work with Ben on some school work, so I'm heading offline. It's so cold, and windy today. I should call David and have him pick up bread on the way home. There's nothing on the calendar, we're just vegging yet again.
Tomorrow, Saturday, is "give parents a break" (free child care at the base day care center), so I'm going to go grocery shopping again, and pick up a Discovery Toys order from a customer (I added items to her party).
Well, I guess that's it. Sorry to be so boring lately! Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

No YEA, Icy, Blah

Thankfully today is sunny! I think that's the only thing saving my sanity. It's 10 degrees, the ground is a solid sheet of thin ice. I hate winter! It's days like these that I really miss my time at Travis AFB in northern California. It did rain often in the winter there, but at least it was green, sunny and NOT bitterly cold! There are no fevers right now, but David is sniffling, Ben has a slight cough, Shanndon and Christianna are pouring nasties out the nose and have little coughs! We cancelled our Young Explorers Academy (home school co-op) session today due to risky driving conditions. It's not worth risking accidents to get together. The puppy begs to NOT go outside!!! LOL
I'm running out of time. David returns to work on Friday. Thursday is speech and Shanndon's IEP meeting, so I won't get much time to do anything that day. Wednesday all I have is Royal Rangers/Missionettes (children's church program) that night. So I officially have 2 days to get stuff done-Today and Wednesday. I keep talking about things I need to get done. Maybe if it type them out, I'll be more accountable and do them!
Things I need to do: clean cat litter boxes; clean, sort, and organize my office; clean, sort, and organize my scrapbooking room; reconcile my bank account; take stuff downstairs; clean off my dryer; clean, sort and organize my bedroom. I'm really procrastinating. They are disasters! I don't even know where to start!
Yesterday, although I was determined to get stuff done, all I did was: mail 2 things; go to the thrift store; spend our "free" money at Best Buy; clean kitchen, living room, hall way and laundry room; did a couple loads of dishes; and did a few loads of laundry. Then sat around all night watching the kids play and did email, myspace, myyearbook and yahoo360 and ate leftovers!
I get money back (rewards) when I use my credit cards (which I use for everything and then pay off each month) and I had a bunch of rewards to cash in at Best Buy-$65. That was fun. We bought Dance Dance Revolution Supernova bundle. We had DDR Max, but no mat. So now we have DDR Max and DDR Supernova with the mat! David and the kids had so much fun playing it for hours last night. Maia is a natural, very coordinated, gets a great score; Carolina is graceful and looks likes she's dancing while she's playing and does good; Ben flops around, works hard, does okay and has so much fun at it; David does okay, looks totally UNnatural, it's more then I've ever seen him move in my life, but he had fun. Me, I am a complete moron when it comes to this game. Can't do it with my fingers on the controller, let alone standing up trying to do it with my feet. I have horrible timing and fail most the time. LMAO.
Christianna wants to go outside and play so badly. She goes to the door and opens it, stands on the porch. Then I yell at her to get inside, it's too cold. Poor girl is bored out of her gourd! She's totally being unruly and into everything, except her toys and climbing all over everything! Shanndon and Ben are totally content with us hanging out and staying in the house. They find things to do and don't get bored. When I bring out "new" toys or "put away" toys, they are happy, play nicely and for a long time.
Alright, I better finish up here and head downstairs. I'm gonna get playdoh out for the kids to play with while I go downstairs and start tearing apart my office! Maybe David can manage to handle that-sitting at the table, playing in one spot, shouldn't be too much trouble!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! David just returned home from his latest stint in the desert on January 9th. He's almost always gone for the holidays, so I stock up on "holiday food" during those times, and we celebrate later. Today we are doing our thanksgiving dinner. I'm sitting in the kitchen writing this on David's computer while I tend to the spread. Turkey is stuffed and has been in the oven for 2 hours, I've basted it several times already; the potatoes are peeled, washed and cut and sitting on the stove waiting for 3pm to be cooked and mashed; the Yams and cranberries are sitting on the cabinets also waiting patiently til the end when I put the finishing touches on dinner. David ran to the store for "green bean casserole" ingredients and brought home fruit cocktail as well to make a "Jello" and he just made that. So, I get time to sit here and play on the computer!!!

Shanndon is sick. He started a little cough on Friday afternoon. Friday night at Steph's he spiked a fever. Sure enough, he's sick. 103 fever. Motrin and Tylenol take it down for a bit, he plays and is feeling good, and then all of a sudden-fever's back and he's lethargic, cuddly and sad lookng again. Poor boy. He coughs so hard at night that he throws up. He doesn't cough too bad during the day, and his nose isn't running too bad either. Ben has a cough and it gets wicked at night, but other then that, he's fine. Christianna has just a teensy cough every now and then, but she is pouring out the nose! Still tho, no fever. Guess we'll see what happens. Luckily David is still on time off from being in the desert, so if nothing else, he can take care of the kids Tuesday when I go to YEA.

Little history-YEA is "Young Explorers Academy". It's a group of home schooling families that got together and do enrichment activities, field trips, etc. together. It's a "co-op".

Alright, so while David was running to the store, I was peeling potatoes, Ben was emptying trash and babies were sleeping...the TV just turned off!!! One minute you hear Backyardigan music and the next moment you don't! We couldn't get it to turn back on. I tell David when he gets home and after he made his jello, he went to go work on it. Apparently the TV just crapped out. How does that happen? It's less then a year old! DANG IT! It was one of those TV/VCR/DVD combos. UGH!!!! Of course I'm too cheap to buy the warranty, cause how does a TV crap out in a year? So we have no recourse. Luckily, the one in my office is the same, so David bought that up and is hooking that all up now. I wonder how much it would cost to get this stupid TV looked at and fixed? GRRRR. (deep breath). Sorry, today is Thanksgiving. I'm not complaining. I'm grateful we even had a TV and we had a "back up".

Speaking of Thanksgiving...I need to list all the things for which I am thankful! I am thankful for-
My family: my loving, patient, forgiving, understanding, faithful, providing, hard working, darling husband; my smart, funny, quirky, handsome, helpful, imaginative, sweet son Benjamin; my sweet, talkative (he's like a parrot these days!), helpful, adorable, loving, cuddly, social, sweet son Shanndon; my crazy, curious, busy, gorgeous (which most the time keeps her alive!), good eating, petite (which keeps clothes lasting longer on her), toddler daughter Christianna.My exchange students: my energetic, generous, sweet, fun, typical teen Maialen; my thoughtful, helpful, sweet, tolerating, go with the flow Carolina.
My pets: cats-Magic, Sassy, Shadow, (if she ever comes around again) Mimi and dog(s)-Butterscotch and (coming in February) Sky.
life, house, car, food, friends, acquaintances, extended family, paycheck, church, support, love, computer, internet, tv, marijuana, coffee, and so many many other things!

This weekend has been such a relaxing, "do nothing" time. It's been nice. We went to see "The Little Red Hen" at the children's theater yesterday. The kids loved it-even Christianna!!! Shanndon won a book, we didn't have "The Little Red Hen" book, so that was cool. They have one show a month, we intend to go to each one. We did a movie night last night and I sat organizing coupons and clipping and such. I have much more that needs to be done, but at least it's a start. Hopefully David and I don't get sick. I've only got a couple more days to get my bedroom and basement worked on while David is off work! I really need to stop procrastinating! Well, it's time to baste the turkey again and switch laundry and work on the kitchen. Plus I need a coffee refill, lol. Okay, have a great day and Martin Luther King weekend!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Romper Room

Today would be the perfect day to have a video camera on my life!!! I tell people all the motto is: "Welcome to Romper Room-also known as my life!" You think I'm kidding? I'm sure most do! At least most laugh when I say it, as if I'm kidding.
We wake up and no word from Diana, we get coffee started, kids eating breakfast, David and I sit at the table and he says-you think Diana's coming? I said, who knows. About a minute later, 9am, the phone rings and Diana says she's on her way, she'll be over in about 10 minutes. So we finish up breakfast, change diapers, get kids runs her kids, shoes and coats flying everywhere. I clean up breakfast, check email...and Diana's back (10am-she took her cat to the DR). We sit and chit chat for a while (that was nice to just sit and chit chat, kids played fairly well-her kids fought a bit among themselves). Then Nancy R. called and said she'd take me up on my babysitting offer, she'd be over a little after 1pm (this was 1145am). So Diana and I start to get kids' "orders" for lunch and get lunch out. We make lunch. A girl from freecycle is here to pick up my baby monitor, I gather that. We ran out of bread, so David runs to the bread store and grabs a couple loaves. Everyone is eating, except Ben (cause we ran out of bread) so I get him yogart. Then everyone wants yogart, but I only have one left, so Diana says no, it's not fair. We break out the Cheetos. They can only have the cheetos after they eat thier sandwhiches, so some get cheetos, some don't. Then there's whining. Of course Christianna has to have everyone elses stuff, so she starts grabbing off Matthew's plate and he's whining. Now Diana is standing half way between the kitchen and living room, so she sees the puppy start to piddle, she gasps and grabs him and takes him out. David and I grab paper towel and bleach, I clean up the floor, he grabs Christianna to keep her away from the puddle and my cleaning and tries to gather his and her shoes to relieve Diana from puppy duty. Kids are suppose to be going to clean up toys after they get done with lunch. We're washing kids up, putting plates away, kids go to play and Diana and I make ourselves lunch and sit with the "stragglers" (Andrew and Shanndon). David decides he's hungry and wants Spam and altho it's right in front of where he's looking, he can't find it. So I get that for him, he tried to clean up the stove, making a terrible mess instead all over the place and I take over to clean it, I get it cleaned and he starts to fry up his (nasty) Spam (stinking u my house-blah!). We clean up the kitchen and go sit in the living room (with Diana giving her kids another warning of 10 minutes to clean up) and in walks Nancy with her kids (2 boys-age 4 and 5). Diana's kids gather up thier stuff and pile outside, Nancy drops off her kids, a brief nod and lift of the backpack, a Thanks, be back in a bit...she's off. Diana follows closely behind. It's about 130pm at this point, dog gets put in the kennel, fed and watered. Shanndon and Christianna get changed and put down for a nap. Aaron and Issac are playing well, Ben gets his back pack, I wash the table and we sit down to do MySpace and school work. David then hears Shanndon coughing a bit hard and proceeds to check on him...goes to sit him up and...he spews puke all over the bedroom. David brings Shanndon to the bathroom for a shower, where is Christianna? I go in to look at the damage and clean up and there she is in the middle of it! So I remove her from the room and carry her around and gather puked on clothing, check on Shanndon, tend to Aaron and Issac and Ben. Then David gets Shanndon done and takes Christianna so I can clean the room. Shanndon is now down for his nap, finally stopped his little coughing spell. Christianna is going crazy, didn't take a morning nap and is fighting this nap. Aaron and Issac are fighting (Issac won't leave my digital picture frame alone and has now taken it off the wall and knocked it down a couple times!), Ben's upset cause I'm making him redo his ridiculous excuse for writing and sentences, etc. (If he'd have done it right the first time, I wouldn't have to make him redo it). Here I am wasting my time blogging!!! LOL. Well, I did get a load of laundry done!
I had a lot of energy last night. Couldn't turn my brain, or the computer off. I felt really accomplished. I cleaned the living room, hall way and babies' room; went to a focus group and got paid and they provided dinner and it was fun and got away from the house alone for a couple hours!; got gas; came home and played with kids, talked to the girls, did MySpace; got to chat with an old HS friend; then cleaned up kitchen and headed to bed. I was so reved up, I partially cleaned my room too (well straightened it a bit)! Poor David had been trying to sleep on and off since about 130am, I finally turned off the TV and lights about 330am.
Okay, it's 350pm right now, Nancy has picked up her kids and left, the girls (Maialen and Carolina-my exchange students) are home from school, Christianna is finally asleep, David is getting in the shower and I can finish my blog! LOL. Hopefully the babies will wake up from nap in a good mood, so we don't have to deal with crankiness when we party tonight.
David put together and loaded my digital picture frame today. It is soooo cool! The kids are all loving it and I have it in a place that I get to see it all the time! David took the cutest pictures of the kids playing in the wagon with the puppy (Butterscotch), and at Mitch's party, and on the trampoline!
Well, I'm going to clip coupons. It's a project I've been needing to work on. I gotta think of what to make for dinner too. I have some hamburger defrosted, so I dunno, Hamburger Helper, or just cheese burgers or what. Ugh, maybe I won't get to clipping coupons?! Guess I gotta get off the computer! Bye.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


I can not shake this headache. Have had it all day on and off. UGH! How'd your day go? here's how mine went:
David took all 3 kids to Shanndon's speech therapy. It was a guilt trip. He said he could stay with Christianna and Ben at home so I didn't have to deal with her and I said he could deal with her there like I always have too. SO, he did! woohoo. I got to do MySpace this AM and quietly sip 3 cups of coffee and talk with a college counselor, etc. It was so nice!
Speaking of talking to a counselor. David and I are seriously thinking about college. Like I need to add to my plate. But if David will be home for the forseeable future and on a steady shift. I think (at least for a little while), we could pull it off! If I just take a couple classes at a time, online, I can do my work at night. I have to get my life in order to start with before I add this onto it. But that's what i'm working on now!!!!
On the "getting life in order" front. I worked today on every room upstairs, except my own. I totally pulled apart the babies' rooms and rearranged and sorted, deep cleaned, etc. I pulled apart the living room, vacuumed and swept, sorted, threw stuff away, rotated toys up in the attic, etc. I feel accomplished. Yesterday I worked on my room and got a bunch of stuff together to donate and freecycle. Maybe I can get some work done this weekend too. We'll see about tomorrow.
Diana called today (I handed the phone to David in hopes it was Alexander for Ben, but just in case it was her I wouldn't be stuck-he gave me the phone anyway! In the middle of rearranging and deep cleaning the babies' bedroom). The boys miss my kids and "when can we get together?" her cat has to go to the DR tomorrow. She'll bring her kids over here to play at 830am, take the cat to the DR, come back and hang out, we'll have lunch together, then my kids will go down for nap and they'll leave. Diana's commitment and follow thru is slight, so I'll prolly get a call at 830am saying someone is sick, or they can't make it. Friday night, we're going to hang out with Stephanie and Marc and Jennie. The kids all get along so well. It's so nice.
I love Steph and Marc, and Jennie and Mike. They seem so nice. Sometimes I worry if it's too good to be true. Mike deployed right as David was getting home, so they were passing ships, but maybe once he gets home we'll all get to hang out. So far what times we've all spent together has seemed cool. On one hand we are all SO different (parenting, educational, religion), but on the other hand, you don't feel that when you're together. The stuff that is different doesn't really come up when we're talking, and if it does, it's totally cool. We don't argue, judge, fight, etc. I dunno how to describe it. It's like getting close to someone, you want to hug them, but don't know if you've gotten that close for sure. Well, I'm totally sounding like an idiot here. I'm just worried about stuff. I've tried to not get hurt and keep my guard up with people cause I've gotten so burned in life, that's all. For now, I'm just going to enjoy the friendship and time we spend together.
My across the street nieghbor (Chandra) called today. I saw it was her and handed the phone to David. It's not like we can hide, our van was in the driveway and our door was open!!! UGH. So he proceeds to tell her I'm busy and can't come to the phone. Turns out, she had no food in the house to speak of and needed to feed the kids lunch (she has 2 kids plus she babysits her 3 nephews). So David took over bagels, english muffins, cream cheese, half a loaf of bread and peanut butter and jelly. Couple days ago she came over and borrowed "female diapers" (pads), before that, it was oil, before that it was baby diapers...I can't even remember what else right now! Craziness!
Alright now, I need to head to bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be another productive day!

Got something done...

David took the kids to Exploration Place yesterday afternoon so I could have some peace and quiet. I ended up working on my bedroom, folding clothes, sorting , organizing, etc. I need to take a bunch of stuff to goodwill, but I don't want to leave the house. It's cold. I hate cold weather!!!! I loved living in California. It was perfect. One hour from the ocean, one hour from the mountains. It rained in the valley all winter, but that's okay, at least it was green and not too cold! It's weird to think that we'll be here for the rest of our lives. But, I'm glad to be settled too. It's bitter sweet.
Today I have a headache. I'm going to this "focus group" thing tonight. It's 2 hours to give our opinions and such is what I understand, they are serving us dinner and paying us $65 as well. WOOHOO! I need the money. It's noon right now, I should probably get more work done. I so badly just wanna take a nap tho. LOL. I guess we'll see what happens and I'll post about it later.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Ah, Nope...didn't get done. By the time I wrote my blog, looked around at some friend's MySpaces and uploaded some pics, it was 1pm. Then I uploaded more and looked around more and it was 2pm. Then Shanndon and Christianna came in for a nap and David and I shared a cigarette. Then, I said, cuddle with me for a second, so he did and I took a nap while he and Ben went and worked on the yard. Next thing I know, the girls are home from school and we headed out for dinner. Well, now it's 645pm, certianly not gonna start my project now! LOL. Guess David and I will have to catch up on Grey's Anatomy tonight together. LOL. This MySpace thing is evil...interent is evil, it sucks away the time! LOL.


Good Morning! Wow, I've gotten more sleep in the last few days since David's gotten home (Wednesday January 9), then in a long time (he's been gone 4 months)! Not only the quantity, but the quality too. Woohoo! I dunno why, but I just can't sleep when he's gone. I stay up til 3am for no reason, doing nothing productive and when I do sleep, I don't sleep well, then, I wake up early to boot! The last couple days I've been going to bed early (11p-12a) and sleeping in and sleeping solid. I did wake up at 5am to the puppy whining. I ignored him and then at 630am when I couldn't stand the whining anymore, I got up and had David take him out...then we had to clean his cage. Well, by that time, it was 7 and our noise woke up the baby, so she was up early and is currently down for her morning nap.
Ok, here's where I have to bitch about a friend. Ugh. SO, Diana ASKED me before Christmas IF I wanted to exchange gifts. I said "NO". There were many reasons...first of all money, I was going to Chicago which I couldn't afford, then to have to buy gifts for my exchange students, my kids, travel expenses, etc. And really, I just didn't want to deal with shopping. I said all these things to her! She proceeds to tell me, "well the boys want to exchange gifts, so we'll just plan on it when you get home from your trip." Here it is January 15 and I have yet to go shopping for them. Although we did go to Walmart the other day to shop for Mitch's gift (ended up giving him cash), I didn't find anything for the Burch kids. So at some point, I need to go shopping for the them. I really don't want to leave my house at this moment tho! Besides which, really I have no love for them and don't WANT to get them anything. She called me yesterday and said she was wondering if we could get the kids together to play, I told her Ben had a sleepover and he was up til 3am and then woke up early, and went to thier house for a sleep over and was up til midnight-so I didn't want them staying up late that night. She mentioned she had a dentist appointment at 3pm, so I said, instead of waking up Anthony, why don't you bring the boys over here to play. She was cool with that. My thinking is, then they play in Ben's room (short visit, they were here 230-430p), I don't have to deal with them, her house, or her!!!! Woohoo, I won all around! I dunno, when I am around Diana, I feel all of about 2 inches tall. She seems to KNOW everything about everything and her kids are 8,7,4 and they know everything about everything too! Oh, and forget feelings, the feelings you have are never right according to her. Like for instance, Shanndon is going to start attending a preschool in March...well, we're homeschoolers, so Diana has to be like, "well what about this and that, and don't you think...blah blah blah. I would be worried about such and such". Hello, I'm his mother!!!!! Don't you think I've already thought about, talked about and stressed over all these issues a billion times? Get over yourself! Okay, enough about that, sorry to go on about her. I'm just feeling very small in that area today.
David gets 14 days off. He doesn't return to work til Friday the 25th, WOOHOO! Then he'll start on his Change of Assignment-he's going to ISO. ISO is where you tear the jet apart and inspect it thoroughly. It's a hard job, but he'll learn more about the jet then he knew, it's a change of pace for him and he'll be HOME for quite a while! Most likely on day shift since he'll need to train for a while. That will be a big change for us. We've mainly been a swing shift family for the last 10 years!
So, I need to start today-taking advantage of David being home. My plan for the day is: take a shower, and go to my basement and thoroughly clean my office!!!! I need to do this to get ready to file taxes...need to gather all my Mary Kay and Discovery Toy receipts together. When the exchange students came, we moved all the rooms around to give them a room and basically just threw the office downstairs. Basically I had access to my computer and that was it!
Oh ya, and Nancy H. called. Zia wants to go to Homeschool Gym (1-3pm), but Nancy has a Girl Scout cookie meeting at 1pm, so she was wondering if I could take her kids. Other then last weeks meeting at the gym, I don't typically go (naptime, lazy, etc.), so I told her she's more then welcome to bring the kids here, but that I wasn't going to the gym. So, we'll see what happens this afternoon. We like to hang out all afternoon, so if I don't get some work done now, it won't get done later.

Monday, January 14, 2008

New Puppy

In the spirit of a new year and "Newness", we got a puppy. My friend Stephanie's dog (Rott/Lab mix) got knocked up (by a Bull Mastiff) and had puppies on Dec 28th, so we had been talking about it for while. Then this guy on freecycle posted Husky/Brittany mix puppies. I thought we'd just go take a look. I wanted a smaller dog. But i want two dogs, so they can be buddies. So we looked at the small breed dog. They were white and light tan color, and pretty cute. So, I told the guy we'd think about it. We thought about it and went to Walmart and got tons of dog supplies. Then we called he guy and picked the puppy out that night. Ben has his "pick" of the litter from Stephanie's dogs, so I let Shanndon pick this one out. He was so excited. It's a boy. His name is Butterscotch. He's 8 weeks old. So now I'm reading up on how to raise and train puppies. We're crate training. That's going well so far. Not too much whining. And it gives Butterscotch a place to go away from the kids. They adore him. We haven't had too many accidents. I think he's getting the hang of where to go in the yard for his potty spot. Now I just need to get it gated off, so kids don't play there. Although, it's not anywhere the kids would normally play anyway, but just in case they would decide to go over needs to be gated. So we'll spend 6 weeks with Butterscotch and then when Sky is ready to come home, we'll have Butterscotch trained and have time to work with Sky. And who knows, maybe by then, I'll be an expert! HAHAHA. My sister said I just love trouble. Which is true. My life is chaos and I do nothing to stop it! But hey, that's my life! Romper Room!