Thursday, January 17, 2008


I can not shake this headache. Have had it all day on and off. UGH! How'd your day go? here's how mine went:
David took all 3 kids to Shanndon's speech therapy. It was a guilt trip. He said he could stay with Christianna and Ben at home so I didn't have to deal with her and I said he could deal with her there like I always have too. SO, he did! woohoo. I got to do MySpace this AM and quietly sip 3 cups of coffee and talk with a college counselor, etc. It was so nice!
Speaking of talking to a counselor. David and I are seriously thinking about college. Like I need to add to my plate. But if David will be home for the forseeable future and on a steady shift. I think (at least for a little while), we could pull it off! If I just take a couple classes at a time, online, I can do my work at night. I have to get my life in order to start with before I add this onto it. But that's what i'm working on now!!!!
On the "getting life in order" front. I worked today on every room upstairs, except my own. I totally pulled apart the babies' rooms and rearranged and sorted, deep cleaned, etc. I pulled apart the living room, vacuumed and swept, sorted, threw stuff away, rotated toys up in the attic, etc. I feel accomplished. Yesterday I worked on my room and got a bunch of stuff together to donate and freecycle. Maybe I can get some work done this weekend too. We'll see about tomorrow.
Diana called today (I handed the phone to David in hopes it was Alexander for Ben, but just in case it was her I wouldn't be stuck-he gave me the phone anyway! In the middle of rearranging and deep cleaning the babies' bedroom). The boys miss my kids and "when can we get together?" her cat has to go to the DR tomorrow. She'll bring her kids over here to play at 830am, take the cat to the DR, come back and hang out, we'll have lunch together, then my kids will go down for nap and they'll leave. Diana's commitment and follow thru is slight, so I'll prolly get a call at 830am saying someone is sick, or they can't make it. Friday night, we're going to hang out with Stephanie and Marc and Jennie. The kids all get along so well. It's so nice.
I love Steph and Marc, and Jennie and Mike. They seem so nice. Sometimes I worry if it's too good to be true. Mike deployed right as David was getting home, so they were passing ships, but maybe once he gets home we'll all get to hang out. So far what times we've all spent together has seemed cool. On one hand we are all SO different (parenting, educational, religion), but on the other hand, you don't feel that when you're together. The stuff that is different doesn't really come up when we're talking, and if it does, it's totally cool. We don't argue, judge, fight, etc. I dunno how to describe it. It's like getting close to someone, you want to hug them, but don't know if you've gotten that close for sure. Well, I'm totally sounding like an idiot here. I'm just worried about stuff. I've tried to not get hurt and keep my guard up with people cause I've gotten so burned in life, that's all. For now, I'm just going to enjoy the friendship and time we spend together.
My across the street nieghbor (Chandra) called today. I saw it was her and handed the phone to David. It's not like we can hide, our van was in the driveway and our door was open!!! UGH. So he proceeds to tell her I'm busy and can't come to the phone. Turns out, she had no food in the house to speak of and needed to feed the kids lunch (she has 2 kids plus she babysits her 3 nephews). So David took over bagels, english muffins, cream cheese, half a loaf of bread and peanut butter and jelly. Couple days ago she came over and borrowed "female diapers" (pads), before that, it was oil, before that it was baby diapers...I can't even remember what else right now! Craziness!
Alright now, I need to head to bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be another productive day!