Friday, January 18, 2008

Romper Room

Today would be the perfect day to have a video camera on my life!!! I tell people all the motto is: "Welcome to Romper Room-also known as my life!" You think I'm kidding? I'm sure most do! At least most laugh when I say it, as if I'm kidding.
We wake up and no word from Diana, we get coffee started, kids eating breakfast, David and I sit at the table and he says-you think Diana's coming? I said, who knows. About a minute later, 9am, the phone rings and Diana says she's on her way, she'll be over in about 10 minutes. So we finish up breakfast, change diapers, get kids runs her kids, shoes and coats flying everywhere. I clean up breakfast, check email...and Diana's back (10am-she took her cat to the DR). We sit and chit chat for a while (that was nice to just sit and chit chat, kids played fairly well-her kids fought a bit among themselves). Then Nancy R. called and said she'd take me up on my babysitting offer, she'd be over a little after 1pm (this was 1145am). So Diana and I start to get kids' "orders" for lunch and get lunch out. We make lunch. A girl from freecycle is here to pick up my baby monitor, I gather that. We ran out of bread, so David runs to the bread store and grabs a couple loaves. Everyone is eating, except Ben (cause we ran out of bread) so I get him yogart. Then everyone wants yogart, but I only have one left, so Diana says no, it's not fair. We break out the Cheetos. They can only have the cheetos after they eat thier sandwhiches, so some get cheetos, some don't. Then there's whining. Of course Christianna has to have everyone elses stuff, so she starts grabbing off Matthew's plate and he's whining. Now Diana is standing half way between the kitchen and living room, so she sees the puppy start to piddle, she gasps and grabs him and takes him out. David and I grab paper towel and bleach, I clean up the floor, he grabs Christianna to keep her away from the puddle and my cleaning and tries to gather his and her shoes to relieve Diana from puppy duty. Kids are suppose to be going to clean up toys after they get done with lunch. We're washing kids up, putting plates away, kids go to play and Diana and I make ourselves lunch and sit with the "stragglers" (Andrew and Shanndon). David decides he's hungry and wants Spam and altho it's right in front of where he's looking, he can't find it. So I get that for him, he tried to clean up the stove, making a terrible mess instead all over the place and I take over to clean it, I get it cleaned and he starts to fry up his (nasty) Spam (stinking u my house-blah!). We clean up the kitchen and go sit in the living room (with Diana giving her kids another warning of 10 minutes to clean up) and in walks Nancy with her kids (2 boys-age 4 and 5). Diana's kids gather up thier stuff and pile outside, Nancy drops off her kids, a brief nod and lift of the backpack, a Thanks, be back in a bit...she's off. Diana follows closely behind. It's about 130pm at this point, dog gets put in the kennel, fed and watered. Shanndon and Christianna get changed and put down for a nap. Aaron and Issac are playing well, Ben gets his back pack, I wash the table and we sit down to do MySpace and school work. David then hears Shanndon coughing a bit hard and proceeds to check on him...goes to sit him up and...he spews puke all over the bedroom. David brings Shanndon to the bathroom for a shower, where is Christianna? I go in to look at the damage and clean up and there she is in the middle of it! So I remove her from the room and carry her around and gather puked on clothing, check on Shanndon, tend to Aaron and Issac and Ben. Then David gets Shanndon done and takes Christianna so I can clean the room. Shanndon is now down for his nap, finally stopped his little coughing spell. Christianna is going crazy, didn't take a morning nap and is fighting this nap. Aaron and Issac are fighting (Issac won't leave my digital picture frame alone and has now taken it off the wall and knocked it down a couple times!), Ben's upset cause I'm making him redo his ridiculous excuse for writing and sentences, etc. (If he'd have done it right the first time, I wouldn't have to make him redo it). Here I am wasting my time blogging!!! LOL. Well, I did get a load of laundry done!
I had a lot of energy last night. Couldn't turn my brain, or the computer off. I felt really accomplished. I cleaned the living room, hall way and babies' room; went to a focus group and got paid and they provided dinner and it was fun and got away from the house alone for a couple hours!; got gas; came home and played with kids, talked to the girls, did MySpace; got to chat with an old HS friend; then cleaned up kitchen and headed to bed. I was so reved up, I partially cleaned my room too (well straightened it a bit)! Poor David had been trying to sleep on and off since about 130am, I finally turned off the TV and lights about 330am.
Okay, it's 350pm right now, Nancy has picked up her kids and left, the girls (Maialen and Carolina-my exchange students) are home from school, Christianna is finally asleep, David is getting in the shower and I can finish my blog! LOL. Hopefully the babies will wake up from nap in a good mood, so we don't have to deal with crankiness when we party tonight.
David put together and loaded my digital picture frame today. It is soooo cool! The kids are all loving it and I have it in a place that I get to see it all the time! David took the cutest pictures of the kids playing in the wagon with the puppy (Butterscotch), and at Mitch's party, and on the trampoline!
Well, I'm going to clip coupons. It's a project I've been needing to work on. I gotta think of what to make for dinner too. I have some hamburger defrosted, so I dunno, Hamburger Helper, or just cheese burgers or what. Ugh, maybe I won't get to clipping coupons?! Guess I gotta get off the computer! Bye.