Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Ah, Nope...didn't get done. By the time I wrote my blog, looked around at some friend's MySpaces and uploaded some pics, it was 1pm. Then I uploaded more and looked around more and it was 2pm. Then Shanndon and Christianna came in for a nap and David and I shared a cigarette. Then, I said, cuddle with me for a second, so he did and I took a nap while he and Ben went and worked on the yard. Next thing I know, the girls are home from school and we headed out for dinner. Well, now it's 645pm, certianly not gonna start my project now! LOL. Guess David and I will have to catch up on Grey's Anatomy tonight together. LOL. This MySpace thing is evil...interent is evil, it sucks away the time! LOL.