Sunday, January 20, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! David just returned home from his latest stint in the desert on January 9th. He's almost always gone for the holidays, so I stock up on "holiday food" during those times, and we celebrate later. Today we are doing our thanksgiving dinner. I'm sitting in the kitchen writing this on David's computer while I tend to the spread. Turkey is stuffed and has been in the oven for 2 hours, I've basted it several times already; the potatoes are peeled, washed and cut and sitting on the stove waiting for 3pm to be cooked and mashed; the Yams and cranberries are sitting on the cabinets also waiting patiently til the end when I put the finishing touches on dinner. David ran to the store for "green bean casserole" ingredients and brought home fruit cocktail as well to make a "Jello" and he just made that. So, I get time to sit here and play on the computer!!!

Shanndon is sick. He started a little cough on Friday afternoon. Friday night at Steph's he spiked a fever. Sure enough, he's sick. 103 fever. Motrin and Tylenol take it down for a bit, he plays and is feeling good, and then all of a sudden-fever's back and he's lethargic, cuddly and sad lookng again. Poor boy. He coughs so hard at night that he throws up. He doesn't cough too bad during the day, and his nose isn't running too bad either. Ben has a cough and it gets wicked at night, but other then that, he's fine. Christianna has just a teensy cough every now and then, but she is pouring out the nose! Still tho, no fever. Guess we'll see what happens. Luckily David is still on time off from being in the desert, so if nothing else, he can take care of the kids Tuesday when I go to YEA.

Little history-YEA is "Young Explorers Academy". It's a group of home schooling families that got together and do enrichment activities, field trips, etc. together. It's a "co-op".

Alright, so while David was running to the store, I was peeling potatoes, Ben was emptying trash and babies were sleeping...the TV just turned off!!! One minute you hear Backyardigan music and the next moment you don't! We couldn't get it to turn back on. I tell David when he gets home and after he made his jello, he went to go work on it. Apparently the TV just crapped out. How does that happen? It's less then a year old! DANG IT! It was one of those TV/VCR/DVD combos. UGH!!!! Of course I'm too cheap to buy the warranty, cause how does a TV crap out in a year? So we have no recourse. Luckily, the one in my office is the same, so David bought that up and is hooking that all up now. I wonder how much it would cost to get this stupid TV looked at and fixed? GRRRR. (deep breath). Sorry, today is Thanksgiving. I'm not complaining. I'm grateful we even had a TV and we had a "back up".

Speaking of Thanksgiving...I need to list all the things for which I am thankful! I am thankful for-
My family: my loving, patient, forgiving, understanding, faithful, providing, hard working, darling husband; my smart, funny, quirky, handsome, helpful, imaginative, sweet son Benjamin; my sweet, talkative (he's like a parrot these days!), helpful, adorable, loving, cuddly, social, sweet son Shanndon; my crazy, curious, busy, gorgeous (which most the time keeps her alive!), good eating, petite (which keeps clothes lasting longer on her), toddler daughter Christianna.My exchange students: my energetic, generous, sweet, fun, typical teen Maialen; my thoughtful, helpful, sweet, tolerating, go with the flow Carolina.
My pets: cats-Magic, Sassy, Shadow, (if she ever comes around again) Mimi and dog(s)-Butterscotch and (coming in February) Sky.
life, house, car, food, friends, acquaintances, extended family, paycheck, church, support, love, computer, internet, tv, marijuana, coffee, and so many many other things!

This weekend has been such a relaxing, "do nothing" time. It's been nice. We went to see "The Little Red Hen" at the children's theater yesterday. The kids loved it-even Christianna!!! Shanndon won a book, we didn't have "The Little Red Hen" book, so that was cool. They have one show a month, we intend to go to each one. We did a movie night last night and I sat organizing coupons and clipping and such. I have much more that needs to be done, but at least it's a start. Hopefully David and I don't get sick. I've only got a couple more days to get my bedroom and basement worked on while David is off work! I really need to stop procrastinating! Well, it's time to baste the turkey again and switch laundry and work on the kitchen. Plus I need a coffee refill, lol. Okay, have a great day and Martin Luther King weekend!