Tuesday, January 22, 2008

No YEA, Icy, Blah

Thankfully today is sunny! I think that's the only thing saving my sanity. It's 10 degrees, the ground is a solid sheet of thin ice. I hate winter! It's days like these that I really miss my time at Travis AFB in northern California. It did rain often in the winter there, but at least it was green, sunny and NOT bitterly cold! There are no fevers right now, but David is sniffling, Ben has a slight cough, Shanndon and Christianna are pouring nasties out the nose and have little coughs! We cancelled our Young Explorers Academy (home school co-op) session today due to risky driving conditions. It's not worth risking accidents to get together. The puppy begs to NOT go outside!!! LOL
I'm running out of time. David returns to work on Friday. Thursday is speech and Shanndon's IEP meeting, so I won't get much time to do anything that day. Wednesday all I have is Royal Rangers/Missionettes (children's church program) that night. So I officially have 2 days to get stuff done-Today and Wednesday. I keep talking about things I need to get done. Maybe if it type them out, I'll be more accountable and do them!
Things I need to do: clean cat litter boxes; clean, sort, and organize my office; clean, sort, and organize my scrapbooking room; reconcile my bank account; take stuff downstairs; clean off my dryer; clean, sort and organize my bedroom. I'm really procrastinating. They are disasters! I don't even know where to start!
Yesterday, although I was determined to get stuff done, all I did was: mail 2 things; go to the thrift store; spend our "free" money at Best Buy; clean kitchen, living room, hall way and laundry room; did a couple loads of dishes; and did a few loads of laundry. Then sat around all night watching the kids play and did email, myspace, myyearbook and yahoo360 and ate leftovers!
I get money back (rewards) when I use my credit cards (which I use for everything and then pay off each month) and I had a bunch of rewards to cash in at Best Buy-$65. That was fun. We bought Dance Dance Revolution Supernova bundle. We had DDR Max, but no mat. So now we have DDR Max and DDR Supernova with the mat! David and the kids had so much fun playing it for hours last night. Maia is a natural, very coordinated, gets a great score; Carolina is graceful and looks likes she's dancing while she's playing and does good; Ben flops around, works hard, does okay and has so much fun at it; David does okay, looks totally UNnatural, it's more then I've ever seen him move in my life, but he had fun. Me, I am a complete moron when it comes to this game. Can't do it with my fingers on the controller, let alone standing up trying to do it with my feet. I have horrible timing and fail most the time. LMAO.
Christianna wants to go outside and play so badly. She goes to the door and opens it, stands on the porch. Then I yell at her to get inside, it's too cold. Poor girl is bored out of her gourd! She's totally being unruly and into everything, except her toys and climbing all over everything! Shanndon and Ben are totally content with us hanging out and staying in the house. They find things to do and don't get bored. When I bring out "new" toys or "put away" toys, they are happy, play nicely and for a long time.
Alright, I better finish up here and head downstairs. I'm gonna get playdoh out for the kids to play with while I go downstairs and start tearing apart my office! Maybe David can manage to handle that-sitting at the table, playing in one spot, shouldn't be too much trouble!