Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Good Morning! Wow, I've gotten more sleep in the last few days since David's gotten home (Wednesday January 9), then in a long time (he's been gone 4 months)! Not only the quantity, but the quality too. Woohoo! I dunno why, but I just can't sleep when he's gone. I stay up til 3am for no reason, doing nothing productive and when I do sleep, I don't sleep well, then, I wake up early to boot! The last couple days I've been going to bed early (11p-12a) and sleeping in and sleeping solid. I did wake up at 5am to the puppy whining. I ignored him and then at 630am when I couldn't stand the whining anymore, I got up and had David take him out...then we had to clean his cage. Well, by that time, it was 7 and our noise woke up the baby, so she was up early and is currently down for her morning nap.
Ok, here's where I have to bitch about a friend. Ugh. SO, Diana ASKED me before Christmas IF I wanted to exchange gifts. I said "NO". There were many reasons...first of all money, I was going to Chicago which I couldn't afford, then to have to buy gifts for my exchange students, my kids, travel expenses, etc. And really, I just didn't want to deal with shopping. I said all these things to her! She proceeds to tell me, "well the boys want to exchange gifts, so we'll just plan on it when you get home from your trip." Here it is January 15 and I have yet to go shopping for them. Although we did go to Walmart the other day to shop for Mitch's gift (ended up giving him cash), I didn't find anything for the Burch kids. So at some point, I need to go shopping for the them. I really don't want to leave my house at this moment tho! Besides which, really I have no love for them and don't WANT to get them anything. She called me yesterday and said she was wondering if we could get the kids together to play, I told her Ben had a sleepover and he was up til 3am and then woke up early, and went to thier house for a sleep over and was up til midnight-so I didn't want them staying up late that night. She mentioned she had a dentist appointment at 3pm, so I said, instead of waking up Anthony, why don't you bring the boys over here to play. She was cool with that. My thinking is, then they play in Ben's room (short visit, they were here 230-430p), I don't have to deal with them, her house, or her!!!! Woohoo, I won all around! I dunno, when I am around Diana, I feel all of about 2 inches tall. She seems to KNOW everything about everything and her kids are 8,7,4 and they know everything about everything too! Oh, and forget feelings, the feelings you have are never right according to her. Like for instance, Shanndon is going to start attending a preschool in March...well, we're homeschoolers, so Diana has to be like, "well what about this and that, and don't you think...blah blah blah. I would be worried about such and such". Hello, I'm his mother!!!!! Don't you think I've already thought about, talked about and stressed over all these issues a billion times? Get over yourself! Okay, enough about that, sorry to go on about her. I'm just feeling very small in that area today.
David gets 14 days off. He doesn't return to work til Friday the 25th, WOOHOO! Then he'll start on his Change of Assignment-he's going to ISO. ISO is where you tear the jet apart and inspect it thoroughly. It's a hard job, but he'll learn more about the jet then he knew, it's a change of pace for him and he'll be HOME for quite a while! Most likely on day shift since he'll need to train for a while. That will be a big change for us. We've mainly been a swing shift family for the last 10 years!
So, I need to start today-taking advantage of David being home. My plan for the day is: take a shower, and go to my basement and thoroughly clean my office!!!! I need to do this to get ready to file taxes...need to gather all my Mary Kay and Discovery Toy receipts together. When the exchange students came, we moved all the rooms around to give them a room and basically just threw the office downstairs. Basically I had access to my computer and that was it!
Oh ya, and Nancy H. called. Zia wants to go to Homeschool Gym (1-3pm), but Nancy has a Girl Scout cookie meeting at 1pm, so she was wondering if I could take her kids. Other then last weeks meeting at the gym, I don't typically go (naptime, lazy, etc.), so I told her she's more then welcome to bring the kids here, but that I wasn't going to the gym. So, we'll see what happens this afternoon. We like to hang out all afternoon, so if I don't get some work done now, it won't get done later.