Friday, January 25, 2008

It's been a coupe of days...

It's been a couple days since I blogged. Really there hasn't been much going on, so really not much to say.
Tuesday night, David and I worked on the office and made good progress-you can walk in there and you can see the floor! Lots of garbage thrown away too.
Wednesday we just hung out around the house. I clipped coupons, organized, sorted, etc. About 4pm, I asked David if he wanted to go out. He looked bored. So, I hopped in the shower and got ready. About 5pm we went grocery shopping to Dillons. After Dillons card and coupons, I saved $63!!!! I'm sure that sounds silly, but it is huge excitement for me! Makes me feel like all that clipping, sorting and organzing all day was worth it. I still have to go to Walmart for non-food items. After the store, we ran to McDonalds for dinner and then went to church. There was a business meeting after church and then we hung out with our friends for a bit. So we got home about 915pm and put kiddos to bed.
The kids are still sick. No fevers, but coughing and nasty noses. I'm so sick of the cold! I'm tired of spending 15 minutes dressing everyone and bundling everyone before we can go outside. I'm sick of looking for missing gloves and pairing gloves, coats and hats and scarves, etc. strewn all over the place and having to worry about putting them up, etc. David was thinking we'll be here forever, retiring here, etc. I can't imagine living in this cold another day, let alone another 50 years. Maybe I can convince him to move to Arizona? LOL. (I'd prefer California, but he hates California; and I hate Texas!)
Thursday, I made David drag all 3 kids to Shanndon's speech therapy (last week too)-hey, I do it every week, he can handle it for two weeks! They got home about 1030am. It was David's last day off before heading back to work. He let me rest and played with the kids in the living room and Ben's room and then got them lunch. I laid with Shanndon til he fell asleep for his nap, then I got up and we cleaned house and got ready for Shanndon's IEP meeting. 145pm everyone arrived for Shanndon's IEP meeting.
An IEP is an Individual Education Plan. He is currently going to speech therapy at Wesley Hospital on Thursdays and until yesterday, was being seen by Rainbows United for speech therapy and behavioral issues. So, he'll be 3 on Februaty 17th. When about to turn 3, they test him and see if he's eligable for any programs. He is. He qualifies in 4 out of 6 areas for "Developmental Delay" services. So, he will attend a pre-K classroom in the USD 259 school system. In about a week, we'll get a letter saying "welcome" and it'll tell us the name of the school. At that time we will go to the school and enroll Shanndon. We'll then find out what class he'll be in and the times (morning or afternoon). He'll be taking the bus as well. This is a whole new experience for me, needless to say, I'm very nerveous. I homeschool Benjamin and he's never been in the public school system. I told them, though, if there is anything I don't like, I'm going to throw a fit. Shanndon is a totally different kid from Ben. They are complete opposites. So while I don't think public school is the right choice and fit for Ben and I don't think he'd do well or thrive in that environment, I do feel it will be good for Shanndon. I'm very torn and sad too.
Thursday afternoon, I told David I was going to lay down, that I didn't feel well. I felt a bit scratchy in the throat and feverish. He took my temp and it was 100.2 degrees. So, he gave me Tylenol and I took a little nap. Even with a late afternoon nap, the whole house was in bed and asleep by 9pm. Maialen and Carolina woke up with icky tummies and Carolina stayed home from school.
I woke up feeling fine this AM. The only thing is I still feel a bit scratchy in the throat. The kids are now down for a nap and I need to work with Ben on some school work, so I'm heading offline. It's so cold, and windy today. I should call David and have him pick up bread on the way home. There's nothing on the calendar, we're just vegging yet again.
Tomorrow, Saturday, is "give parents a break" (free child care at the base day care center), so I'm going to go grocery shopping again, and pick up a Discovery Toys order from a customer (I added items to her party).
Well, I guess that's it. Sorry to be so boring lately! Have a good weekend!