Thursday, April 3, 2008


got a letter last week saying that the insurance needed more information to approve my surgery I want. I assumed it meant it was a no go, I thought the Dr would send all he had, so what more info could they want and need? Today I got a call from the surgeon’s office saying that insurance approved it and the nurse said I seemed suprised. I said, well, I got this letter. Apparently when they send the information, they send everything by fax, but the pictures come out black, so they mail the pictures.
I got approved for the excess abdominal skin removal. I want a lower body lift, so I’ll have to pay the remainder of the cost, but at least this will help defray the costs. My father in law called last night and I shared with him the news and he said he’d loan us the money to get it done. WOOHOOO! I had it scheduled for May 16th, but when I called David at work to tell him, the soonest he could get vacation was end of June, SO, I will be having surgery on June 24th, I check in at 630am. I am having a lower body lift with my thighs done as well. Maybe next year I’ll get my arms and breasts done (which David wishes were getting done first!!! LMAO) I’m one happy camper!!!