Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The honeymoon is over

Maybe it's because I'm so tired from being up all night, maybe it's the emotion of everything, maybe it's because I'm due for my period...the honeymoon is over. I'm fustrated, annoyed and angry! I arrived in Arizona on April 5th. I've pretty much done nothing-in comparison to my normal daily life (I've done daily upkeep with Chrsitianna and did a little cleaning a couple times, did some dishes). I've felt like I was on vacation. I thought things were going well. There has been the slight exception, like Christianna is INTO EVERYTHING, thier lifestyle is different then mine, thier parenting is different then mine, etc. I've been dealing with it and didn't think it was that big a deal, I felt like I could handle it for the 14 days. We've been friends forever (12 years!), I've know all these differences before I came here!!! Well..tonight, it's hit me! I'm on the verge of tears. I guess I just expected that since I bend over backwards to make my guests as comfortable as possible, that everyone did that (pregnant or not Jennifer doesn't clean-I knew that!)!
Kyle is no longer "being nice" to Christianna, he's taking things away that she was playing with first, trying to be her parent and telling her "no" all the time, not allowing her to do anything, even when it's harmless. I want to help as much as I can, I've been cleaning, doing dishes, laundry, etc.,but I don't know how to cook thier food (one of the main things a helper should be able to do!!!). They do everything meatless, dairy-less, organic, wheatless, sugarless, from scratch, etc. I dunno what grains to grind to make the pancakes (my Bisquick mix says add milk and eggs!)! The midwife asked me to get Jennifer food after the birth and I didn't know what to get, Jennifer had to tell me (Cashews and Raisins), and then the midwife said it wasn't enough, what else did they have? I DUNNO! So she told Jennifer I was going to make her toast and peanut butter, so I did. I made me, grandma, grandpa and Ken (dad)-scrambled eggs with ham and cheese on tortillas! Thier cleanliness is less then stellar and everything reaks! The bathroom is disgusting! I have to hold my nose to just go in and pee and nag at Christianna to not touch anything and stay off the floor, etc. I finally had enough and we went on a cleaning rampage on Monday. Bathroom got cleaned! Jennifer came out for my birth of Shanndon and they had a bed and as many pillows and blankets as they wanted or needed, thier rooms were prepared for them, not thrown together last minute, the house was clean and everything was "just so".
All of this and it's the first time away from my family and I miss them!!!!! Not only do I miss them and home (my bed, food, microwave and coffee) terribly, they DON'T miss me!!!! They are fine, happy, and having fun. David's not stressed, he's got everything under control. That's not fair!!!! I want them to miss me. I want them to struggle and feel like I'm a hero for all I do! Alas, I guess I'm not. If I die-my kids will be fine and my hubby will be fine and the house will still be standing and laundry will still get done and the dogs will still get fed. HUMPFFF! Whatever!